我想知道人们对在响应体中不返回任何(null)的RESTful PUT操作有什么看法。







REST不是一个标准,因此每个人都可以创建和记录自己的API,只要它符合目的,并且得到了良好的文档记录,得到了开发人员和消费者的同意和理解。 真正重要的是url标识了公开的资源。 我已经使用Http Rest api很多年了,我想分享我通常使用的标准方法,不是因为它是完美的,或者“行为规则”,只是因为我发现它很容易使用并向他人解释。


Success - 201 Created - Return created object
Failure - 400 Invalid request - Return details about the failure
Async fire and forget operation - 202 Accepted - Optionally return url for polling status

Success - 200 Ok - Return the updated object
Success - 204 NoContent
Failure - 404 NotFound - The targeted entity identifier does not exist
Failure - 400 Invalid request - Return details about the failure
Async fire and forget operation - 202 Accepted - Optionally return url for polling status

Success - 200 Ok - Return the patched object
Success - 204 NoContent
Failure - 404 NotFound - The targeted entity identifier does not exist
Failure - 400 Invalid request - Return details about the failure
Async fire and forget operation - 202 Accepted - Optionally return url for polling status

Success - 200 Ok - No content
Success - 200 Ok - When element attempting to be deleted does not exist
Async fire and forget operation - 202 Accepted - Optionally return url for polling status

Success - 200 Ok - With the list of resulting entities matching the search criteria
Success - 200 Ok - With an empty array

Get specific
Success - 200 Ok - The entity matching the identifier specified is returned as content
Failure - 404 NotFound - No content

Success - 200 Ok - Return content where appropriate
Success - 204 NoContent
Failure - 400 - Return details about the failure
Async fire and forget operation - 202 Accepted - Optionally return url for polling status

Generic results
Authorization error 401 Unauthorized
Authentication error 403 Forbidden
For methods not supported 405
Generic server error 500

HTTP规范(RFC 2616)有许多适用的建议。以下是我的解读:

HTTP status code 200 OK for a successful PUT of an update to an existing resource. No response body needed. (Per Section 9.6, 204 No Content is even more appropriate.) HTTP status code 201 Created for a successful PUT of a new resource, with the most specific URI for the new resource returned in the Location header field and any other relevant URIs and metadata of the resource echoed in the response body. (RFC 2616 Section 10.2.2) HTTP status code 409 Conflict for a PUT that is unsuccessful due to a 3rd-party modification, with a list of differences between the attempted update and the current resource in the response body. (RFC 2616 Section 10.4.10) HTTP status code 400 Bad Request for an unsuccessful PUT, with natural-language text (such as English) in the response body that explains why the PUT failed. (RFC 2616 Section 10.4)


我在我的服务中使用了RESTful API,以下是我的观点: 首先,我们必须了解一个通用视图:PUT用于更新资源,而不是创建或获取资源。


无状态的资源 对于这些资源,只返回带有空主体的HttpCode就足够了。 有状态资源 例如:资源的版本。对于这类资源,当您想要更改它时,您必须提供版本,因此返回完整的资源或将版本返回给客户端,因此客户端在更新操作后不需要发送get请求。
