通过JSR 311及其实现,我们有了一个通过REST公开Java对象的强大标准。然而,在客户端,似乎缺少了一些类似于Apache Axis for SOAP的东西——隐藏web服务并将数据透明地封送回Java对象的东西。

如何创建Java RESTful客户端?使用HTTPConnection和手动解析结果?或者专门的客户端,例如Jersey或Apache CXR?


我写了一个库,将java接口映射到远程JSON REST服务:


public interface BookService {
   QueryResult findBooksByTitle(@RequestParam("q") String q);

   Item findBookById(@PathVariable("id") String id);


我写了一个库,将java接口映射到远程JSON REST服务:


public interface BookService {
   QueryResult findBooksByTitle(@RequestParam("q") String q);

   Item findBookById(@PathVariable("id") String id);

由于没有人提到,这里有另一个:Feign,由Spring Cloud使用。


String body = new JdkRequest("http://www.google.com")
  .header("User-Agent", "it's me")



Apache CXF有三个不同的REST客户端选项 泽西岛(上面提到过)。 Spring RestTemplate被Spring WebClient取代 公共HTTP客户端为旧的Java项目构建自己的。


Apache HTTP Components (4.2) Fluent adapter - Basic replacement for JDK, used by several other candidates in this list. Better than old Commons HTTP Client 3 and easier to use for building your own REST client. You'll have to use something like Jackson for JSON parsing support and you can use HTTP components URIBuilder to construct resource URIs similar to Jersey/JAX-RS Rest client. HTTP components also supports NIO but I doubt you will get better performance than BIO given the short requestnature of REST. Apache HttpComponents 5 has HTTP/2 support. OkHttp - Basic replacement for JDK, similar to http components, used by several other candidates in this list. Supports newer HTTP protocols (SPDY and HTTP2). Works on Android. Unfortunately it does not offer a true reactor-loop based async option (see Ning and HTTP components above). However if you use the newer HTTP2 protocol this is less of a problem (assuming connection count is problem). Ning Async-http-client - provides NIO support. Previously known as Async-http-client by Sonatype. Feign wrapper for lower level http clients (okhttp, apache httpcomponents). Auto-creates clients based on interface stubs similar to some Jersey and CXF extensions. Strong spring integration. Retrofit - wrapper for lower level http clients (okhttp). Auto-creates clients based on interface stubs similar to some Jersey and CXF extensions. Volley wrapper for jdk http client, by google google-http wrapper for jdk http client, or apache httpcomponents, by google Unirest wrapper for jdk http client, by kong Resteasy JakartaEE wrapper for jdk http client, by jboss, part of jboss framework jcabi-http wrapper for apache httpcomponents, part of jcabi collection restlet wrapper for apache httpcomponents, part of restlet framework rest-assured wrapper with asserts for easy testing



例如,下面是来自Apache Camel项目的一个单元测试用例,它从RESTful资源(使用JAXB对象Endpoints)查找XML有效负载。resource(uri)方法定义在这个基类中,它只使用Jersey客户机API。


clientConfig = new DefaultClientConfig();
client = Client.create(clientConfig);

resource = client.resource("http://localhost:8080");
// let's get the XML as a String
String text = resource("foo").accept("application/xml").get(String.class);        
