数据F z a = F (a -> z)
这是一个逆变子,而不是函子,对于类型参数a,因为a在逆变的位置。不可能实现具有类型签名(a -> b) -> F z a -> F z b的函数。
数据Q = Q(a -> Int, a)
fmap::(a -> b) -> Q a -> Q b
fmap f (Q(g, x)) = Q(\_ -> g x, f x)——这违反了函子定律!
The curious aspect of this example is that we can implement fmap of the correct type even though F cannot possibly be a functor because it uses a in a contravariant position. So this implementation of fmap shown above is misleading - even though it has the correct type signature (I believe this is the only possible implementation of that type signature), the functor laws are not satisfied. For example, fmap id ≠ id, because let (Q(f,_)) = fmap id (Q(read,"123")) in f "456" is 123, but let (Q(f,_)) = id (Q(read,"123")) in f "456" is 456.
A lawful functor that is not applicative because the type signature of pure cannot be implemented: take the Writer monad (a, w) and remove the constraint that w should be a monoid. It is then impossible to construct a value of type (a, w) out of a.
A functor that is not applicative because the type signature of <*> cannot be implemented: data F a = Either (Int -> a) (String -> a).
A functor that is not lawful applicative even though the type class methods can be implemented:
data P a = P ((a -> Int) -> Maybe a)
instance Functor P where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> P a -> P b
fmap fab (P pa) = P (\q -> fmap fab $ pa (q . fab))
(<*>) :: P (a -> b) -> P a -> P b
(P pfab) <*> (P pa) = \_ -> Nothing -- fails the laws!
这个例子已经引起了相当多的讨论,所以可以肯定地说,证明这个例子是正确的并不容易。但有几个人用不同的方法独立地验证了这一点。参见Is ' data PoE a = Empty | Pair a a ' a monad?供进一步讨论。
data B a = Maybe (a, a)
deriving Functor
instance Applicative B where
pure x = Just (x, x)
b1 <*> b2 = case (b1, b2) of
(Just (x1, y1), Just (x2, y2)) -> Just((x1, x2), (y1, y2))
_ -> Nothing
证明不存在合法的Monad实例有点麻烦。非单一行为的原因是,当函数f:: a -> B B对于不同的a值可以返回Nothing或Just时,没有自然的方法来实现bind。
考虑Maybe (a, a, a)可能会更清楚,它也不是一个单子,并尝试为此实现join。人们会发现,没有直观合理的方法来实现连接。
join :: Maybe (Maybe (a, a, a), Maybe (a, a, a), Maybe (a, a, a)) -> Maybe (a, a, a)
join Nothing = Nothing
join Just (Nothing, Just (x1,x2,x3), Just (y1,y2,y3)) = ???
join Just (Just (x1,x2,x3), Nothing, Just (y1,y2,y3)) = ???
-- etc.
在由??显然,我们不能以任何合理和对称的方式从类型a的六个不同值中产生Just (z1, z2, z3)。我们当然可以从这六个值中选择任意的子集,例如,总是选择第一个非空的Maybe,但这将不满足单子的定律。“返回无”也不符合法律。
data Tr f a = Leaf a | Branch (f (Tr f a))
这是一个在函子f上的自由单子。数据的形状是一个树,其中每个分支点都是一个子树的“函子”。标准二叉树的类型为f a = (a, a)。
data Trs f a = Leaf (f a) | Branch (f (Trs f a))
join :: Trs f (Trs f a) -> Trs f a
join (Leaf ftrs) = Branch ftrs
join (Branch ftrstrs) = Branch (fmap @f join ftrstrs)
函数Maybe (a, a)和Maybe (a, a, a)都不能被赋予一个合法的Monad实例,尽管它们显然是适用的。
These functors have no tricks - no Void or bottom anywhere, no tricky laziness/strictness, no infinite structures, and no type class constraints. The Applicative instance is completely standard. The functions return and bind can be implemented for these functors but will not satisfy the laws of the monad. In other words, these functors are not monads because a specific structure is missing (but it is not easy to understand what exactly is missing). As an example, a small change in the functor can make it into a monad: data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a is a monad. Another similar functor data P12 a = Either a (a, a) is also a monad.
type M a = c (w, a),其中w是任意一个单类
type M a = M (c (w, a)),其中M是任意单子,w是任意单子
type M a = (m1 a, m2 a),其中m1和m2是任意单子
type M a = a (M a),其中M是任意单子
第一个结构是WriterT w (Either c),第二个结构是WriterT w (Either c m)。第三个结构是单元体的组件积:纯@M被定义为纯@m1和纯@m2的组件积,连接@M通过省略跨产品数据来定义(例如,m1 (m1 a, m2 a)通过省略元组的第二部分映射到m1 (m1 a)):
join :: (m1 (m1 a, m2 a), m2 (m1 a, m2 a)) -> (m1 a, m2 a)
join (m1x, m2x) = (join @m1 (fmap fst m1x), join @m2 (fmap snd m2x))
data M m a = Either a (m a)
instance Monad m => Monad M m where
pure x = Left x
join :: Either (M m a) (m (M m a)) -> M m a
join (Left mma) = mma
join (Right me) = Right $ join @m $ fmap @m squash me where
squash :: M m a -> m a
squash (Left x) = pure @m x
squash (Right ma) = ma
我猜想对于多项式单子没有其他的结构了。例如,函子Maybe (Either (a, a) (a, a, a))不是通过任何这些结构获得的,因此不是单元的。然而,Either (a,a) (a,a,a)是单体的,因为它同构于三个单体的乘积a,a,和Maybe a。同样,Either (a,a) (a,a,a)是单体的,因为它同构于a和Either a (a,a,a)的乘积。
上面所示的四个结构将允许我们得到任意数量的a的任意数量的乘积的任意数量的和,例如Either (Either (a, a) (a, a, a, a)) (a, a, a, a))等等。所有这样的类型构造函数都有(至少一个)Monad实例。
当然,这种单子的用例还有待观察。另一个问题是通过结构1-4派生的Monad实例通常不是唯一的。例如,类型构造函数类型F a = a (a, a)可以以两种方式给定一个Monad实例:通过构造4使用Monad (a, a),以及通过构造3使用类型同构Either a (a, a) = (a, Maybe a)。再次强调,为这些实现找到用例不是立即明显的。