Updates to reports In late May 2018, you may begin to see changes in your app's metrics based on your users' deletion of data. Some metrics are calculated based on data from users who have agreed to share their data with developers in aggregate. The metrics that we provide in the Play Console are adjusted to more closely reflect data from all of your users. However, Google will not display data that falls under certain minimum thresholds. Delete an app or game You can permanently remove draft apps or games from your Play Console. You can also delete: Published apps or games that haven't been installed on any devices Published apps or games that no users are entitled to re-install In these cases, contact our support team to request that your app's or game's data be permanently deleted.
你不能删除应用,但可以取消发布。这样做,它将无法在play store中使用,但拥有你的应用程序的用户仍然可以使用你的应用程序。
取消发布应用的步骤: 取消发布你的应用程序在谷歌Play商店:
登录https://market.android.com/publish/Home,登录你的 谷歌播放账号。 单击要删除的应用程序。 单击Store Presence菜单,然后单击“定价和。 分配”项目。 点击取消发布
Updates to reports In late May 2018, you may begin to see changes in your app's metrics based on your users' deletion of data. Some metrics are calculated based on data from users who have agreed to share their data with developers in aggregate. The metrics that we provide in the Play Console are adjusted to more closely reflect data from all of your users. However, Google will not display data that falls under certain minimum thresholds. Delete an app or game You can permanently remove draft apps or games from your Play Console. You can also delete: Published apps or games that haven't been installed on any devices Published apps or games that no users are entitled to re-install In these cases, contact our support team to request that your app's or game's data be permanently deleted.
从谷歌播放控制台,选择您的应用程序。 选择“商店呈现”并从侧菜单中选择“定价和分发”。 有一个发布和取消发布应用程序的拨动开关。选择“取消发布”,然后单击右上角的“提交更新按钮”。
值得注意的一个例外是,虽然你不能删除应用,但如果应用未发布且终身安装量为0,谷歌Play Developer Support的人员可以删除应用。所以如果你的应用终身安装量为0,那你就很幸运了。
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