现在我们可以向App Store提交应用的视频预览。根据苹果公司的说法,我们应该在iOS8设备和OSX 10.10设备上这样做。问题是你必须拥有所有不同的设备(4英寸、4.7英寸、5.5英寸和iPad)。



编辑: 因为很多人都在回答我没有问的问题让我说 记录一个设备大小并缩放它不是我要求的 我问的不是如何录制应用预览 -我问的不是你怎么做预告片;





连接您的设备。 打开QuickTime播放器。 选择文件>新建电影录制(CMD + alt + N) 在出现的窗口中,选择您的iOS设备作为最大分辨率的相机。 保存视频文件(CMD + S)


选择文件->新应用预览 从你的应用程序拖一个最大分辨率的图像,例如1920 x 1080的截图到项目。(即使你用iPhone 5录制视频,它也会使视频的尺寸变成1920 x 1080) 将您录制的电影拖到项目中。 选择“文件->共享->应用预览”保存




拖动您的高分辨率视频到手刹 选择“图片设置”图标 调整大小到正确的大小-关闭并按“开始”图标-保存到桌面



你可以简单地将录音拖到App Store Connect中,它就可以简单地工作。这里可以找到一个例子。

对于Xcode 8.2或更高版本

您可以使用xcrun simctl(一个命令行实用程序来控制模拟器)拍摄模拟器的视频和屏幕截图

在模拟器上运行应用程序 打开终端 执行命令 截图 xxrun simctl IO启动截图<filename>。<文件扩展名> 例如: xrun simctl io启动截图myScreenshot.png 拍一段视频 xrun simctl io boot recordVideo <filename>. txt<文件扩展名> 例如: xrun simctl io启动recordVideo appVideo.mov 按“ctrl + C”停止录像。


Xcode 11.2及以后版本提供了额外的选项。

来自Xcode 11.2 Beta版本说明

simctl视频记录现在产生更小的视频文件,支持HEIC 压缩,并利用硬件编码支持的地方 可用。此外,可以在iOS 13上录制视频,tvOS 13, watchOS 6设备已恢复。


xcrun simctl io --help
Set up a device IO operation.
Usage: simctl io <device> <operation> <arguments>


    recordVideo [--codec=<codec>] [--display=<display>] [--mask=<policy>] [--force] <file or url>
        Records the display to a QuickTime movie at the specified file or url.
        --codec      Specifies the codec type: "h264" or "hevc". Default is "hevc".

        --display    iOS: supports "internal" or "external". Default is "internal".
                     tvOS: supports only "external"
                     watchOS: supports only "internal"

        --mask       For non-rectangular displays, handle the mask by policy:
                     ignored: The mask is ignored and the unmasked framebuffer is saved.
                     alpha: Not supported, but retained for compatibility; the mask is rendered black.
                     black: The mask is rendered black.

        --force      Force the output file to be written to, even if the file already exists.

    screenshot [--type=<type>] [--display=<display>] [--mask=<policy>] <file or url>
        Saves a screenshot as a PNG to the specified file or url(use "-" for stdout).
        --type       Can be "png", "tiff", "bmp", "gif", "jpeg". Default is png.

        --display    iOS: supports "internal" or "external". Default is "internal".
                     tvOS: supports only "external"
                     watchOS: supports only "internal"

                     You may also specify a port by UUID
        --mask       For non-rectangular displays, handle the mask by policy:
                     ignored: The mask is ignored and the unmasked framebuffer is saved.
                     alpha: The mask is used as premultiplied alpha.
                     black: The mask is rendered black.


xrun simctl IO启动截图——type=jpeg——mask=黑色截图

You can use the QuickTime screen recording and the iOS Simulators to do your video recordings. The tricky thing here is to get the correct size so that iMovie can detect the output resolution when you go to export the AppPreview. I haven't found a way to select the output res in iMovie so if must detected by the format of the media you are using. It may take you several tries but it's doable. It's one of those: do I have $300 for FinalCut Pro or do I have an hour or so of my time? You only need three recordings as mentioned above. I could actually do two of them on devices because I have them but I don't have an iPhone 6 (yet ... :) ). I also like the simulators because you can use something like SimFinger to simulate gestures and pressing of buttons.



用你拥有的设备录制、编辑并完成应用预览。 导出为文件。 打开模拟器,在不同尺寸的iphone上打印屏幕1。 在iMovie中创建一个新的应用预览。 首先插入所需大小的截图,然后添加你已经制作的应用预览文件。 使用共享导出->应用预览 对于新的尺寸,重复步骤4到6。



另一种选择可能是尝试在模拟器上安装某种VNC服务器解决方案,如https://github.com/wingify/vnc,并使用VNC记录器进行记录-我相信有一个Python VNC记录器。