现在我们可以向App Store提交应用的视频预览。根据苹果公司的说法,我们应该在iOS8设备和OSX 10.10设备上这样做。问题是你必须拥有所有不同的设备(4英寸、4.7英寸、5.5英寸和iPad)。



编辑: 因为很多人都在回答我没有问的问题让我说 记录一个设备大小并缩放它不是我要求的 我问的不是如何录制应用预览 -我问的不是你怎么做预告片;



You can use the QuickTime screen recording and the iOS Simulators to do your video recordings. The tricky thing here is to get the correct size so that iMovie can detect the output resolution when you go to export the AppPreview. I haven't found a way to select the output res in iMovie so if must detected by the format of the media you are using. It may take you several tries but it's doable. It's one of those: do I have $300 for FinalCut Pro or do I have an hour or so of my time? You only need three recordings as mentioned above. I could actually do two of them on devices because I have them but I don't have an iPhone 6 (yet ... :) ). I also like the simulators because you can use something like SimFinger to simulate gestures and pressing of buttons.



您可以使用以下工具免费完成此工作。你至少需要一台真正的设备(我用的是iPhone 5)。



ffmpeg -i video.mov -filter:v scale=1084:1924 -c:a copy video_1084.mov
ffmpeg -i video_1084.mov -filter:v "crop=1080:1920:0:0" -c:a copy video_1080.mov


ffmpeg -i video.mov -filter:v "crop=640:960:0:0" -c:a copy video_640_960.mo
ffmpeg -i video_640_960.mov -filter:v "pad=768:1024:64:32" -c:a copy video_768_1024.mov
ffmpeg -i video_768_1024.mov -filter:v scale=900:1200 -c:a copy video_900_1200.mov

Taking a Screenshot or Recording a Video Using the Command Line You can take a screenshot or record a video of the simulator window using the xcrun command-line utility. Launch your app in Simulator. Launch Terminal (located in /Applications/Utilities), and enter the appropriate command: To take a screenshot, use the screenshot operation: xcrun simctl io booted screenshot You can specify an optional filename at the end of the command. To record a video, use the recordVideo operation: xcrun simctl io booted recordVideo <filename>.<extension> To stop recording, press Control-C in Terminal. Note: You must specify a filename for recordVideo. The default location for the created file is the current directory. For more information on simctl, run this command in Terminal: xcrun simctl help For more information on the io subcommand of simctl, run this command: xcrun simctl io help


从Xcode 13开始,你可以直接从模拟器开始全分辨率的屏幕录制:


或者按Command + R


录制的视频是在设备分辨率,所以它必须调整到App Store预览分辨率(886x1920, 1080x1920, 1600x120等) iPhone 6.5英寸的长宽比与应用商店预览分辨率不完全相同,所以导出时请确保它是886x1920或1920x886。

以下是一个有效的解决方案,不需要300美元(FinalCut Pro),但它需要ScreenFlow (AppStore中的ScreenFlow应用程序)(100美元):

把你的设备连接到运行优胜美地的Mac电脑上 启动Quicktime并选择File/Newi Movie Recording 启动ScreenFlow并捕获您的视频 在ScreenFlow中编辑视频(添加文本,音乐等) 裁剪视频,使其只包含设备屏幕 导出苹果要求大小的视频(例如,1334x750)

截至2019年的今天,苹果让像我这样的低预算或单人项目开发人员的生活变得更容易了。 你可以在上面的文章中使用terminal命令从所需的设备模拟器中录制视频。然后使用iMovie的新应用预览功能。

xcrun /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/simctl io booted recordVideo pro3new.mov

iMovie -> File ->新应用预览