

所以我的问题不是关于CORS /预飞是如何工作的,而是关于将预飞作为一种新的请求类型背后的原因。我看不出为什么服务器A需要发送一个preflight (PR)到服务器B,只是为了找出真实的请求(RR)是否会被接受——B当然有可能在没有任何预先PR的情况下接受/拒绝RR。


为了保护资源不受在本规范存在之前不能来自某些用户代理的跨源请求的影响,a 发出飞行前请求,以确保资源知道这一点 规范。


谁能解释一个场景/展示一个PR + RR比RR单独解决更好的问题?



事实上,除了自定义头之外,默认情况下不允许使用PUT、DELETE和其他方法(它们需要“Access-Control-Request-Methods”和“Access-Control-Request-Headers”的显式权限),这听起来就像一个双重检查,因为这些操作可能会对用户数据产生更多影响,而不是GET请求。 听起来是这样的:





事实上,除了自定义头之外,默认情况下不允许使用PUT、DELETE和其他方法(它们需要“Access-Control-Request-Methods”和“Access-Control-Request-Headers”的显式权限),这听起来就像一个双重检查,因为这些操作可能会对用户数据产生更多影响,而不是GET请求。 听起来是这样的:





Preflight requests have nothing to do with security, and they have no bearing on applications that are being developed now, with an awareness of CORS. Rather, the preflight mechanism benefits servers that were developed without an awareness of CORS, and it functions as a sanity check between the client and the server that they are both CORS-aware. The developers of CORS felt that there were enough servers out there that were relying on the assumption that they would never receive, e.g. a cross-domain DELETE request that they invented the preflight mechanism to allow both sides to opt-in. They felt that the alternative, which would have been to simply enable the cross-domain calls, would have broken too many existing applications.


Old servers, no longer under development, and developed before CORS. These servers may make assumptions that they'll never receive e.g. a cross-domain DELETE request. This scenario is the primary beneficiary of the preflight mechanism. Yes these services could already be abused by a malicious or non-conforming user agent (and CORS does nothing to change this), but in a world with CORS the preflight mechanism provides an extra 'sanity check' so that clients and servers don't break because the underlying rules of the web have changed. Servers that are still under development, but which contain a lot of old code and for which it's not feasible/desirable to audit all the old code to make sure it works properly in a cross-domain world. This scenario allows servers to progressively opt-in to CORS, e.g. by saying "Now I'll allow this particular header", "Now I'll allow this particular HTTP verb", "Now I'll allow cookies/auth information to be sent", etc. This scenario benefits from the preflight mechanism. New servers that are written with an awareness of CORS. According to standard security practices, the server has to protect its resources in the face of any incoming request -- servers can't trust clients to not do malicious things. This scenario doesn't benefit from the preflight mechanism: the preflight mechanism brings no additional security to a server that has properly protected its resources.



1) With pre-flight. An attacker forges a request from site dummy-forums.com while the user is authenticated to safe-bank.com If the Server does not check for the origin, and somehow has a flaw, the browser will issue a pre-flight request, OPTION method. The server knows none of that CORS that the browser is expecting as a response so the browser will not proceed (no harm whatsoever) 2) Without pre-flight. An attacker forges the request under the same scenario as above, the browser will issue the POST or PUT request right away, the server accepts it and might process it, this will potentially cause some harm.

如果攻击者直接从某个随机主机发送请求,那么很有可能是没有经过身份验证的请求。这是伪造的请求,但不是xsrf请求。服务器会检查凭证并失败。 CORS并不试图阻止拥有发出请求的凭据的攻击者,尽管白名单可以帮助减少这种攻击向量。

预飞行机制增加了客户端和服务器之间的安全性和一致性。 我不知道这是否值得为每个请求额外握手,因为缓存在那里是可以使用的,但这就是它的工作原理。




如果没有preflight请求,服务器可能会开始看到来自浏览器的意外请求。如果服务器没有为这些类型的请求做好准备,这可能会导致安全问题。CORS preflight允许以安全的方式将跨域请求引入web。


<!-- hypothetical exploit on evil.com -->
<!-- Targeting banking-website.example.com, which authenticates with a cookie -->
  method: "POST",
  url: "https://banking-website.example.com",
  data: JSON.stringify({
    sendMoneyTo: "Dr Evil",
    amount: 1000000
  contentType: "application/json",
  dataType: "json"

在cors之前,上述利用尝试将会失败,因为它违反了同源策略。以这种方式设计的API不需要XSRF保护,因为它受到浏览器本地安全模型的保护。cors之前的浏览器不可能生成跨源JSON POST。



简单的跨源请求被定义为与这些请求一致 哪些可能是由当前部署的用户代理生成的 遵守这个规范。

为了解决这个问题,GET没有预先运行,因为它是7.1.5中定义的“简单方法”。(标题也必须“简单”,以避免预飞行)。 这样做的理由是,“简单的”跨源GET请求已经可以通过例如<script src="">来执行(这是JSONP的工作方式)。由于任何具有src属性的元素都可以触发跨源GET,没有预先飞行,因此在“简单”xhr上要求预先战斗将没有安全好处。