有时我想在我的代码中插入一些打印语句,看看当我执行它时会打印出什么。我通常使用现有的pytest测试来“锻炼”它。但是当我运行这些时,我似乎无法看到任何标准输出(至少在我的IDE PyCharm中)。
有时我想在我的代码中插入一些打印语句,看看当我执行它时会打印出什么。我通常使用现有的pytest测试来“锻炼”它。但是当我运行这些时,我似乎无法看到任何标准输出(至少在我的IDE PyCharm中)。
def test_disabling_capturing(capsys):
print('this output is captured')
with capsys.disabled():
print('output not captured, going directly to sys.stdout')
print('this output is also captured')
Most py.test functionality is locked behind a private _pytest package not intended to be externally imported. Attempting to do so without knowing what you're doing typically results in the public pytest package raising obscure exceptions at runtime. Thanks alot, py.test. Really robust architecture you got there. Even when you do figure out how to monkey-patch the private _pytest API in a safe manner, you have to do so before running the public pytest package run by the external py.test command. You cannot do this in a plugin (e.g., a top-level conftest module in your test suite). By the time py.test lazily gets around to dynamically importing your plugin, any py.test class you wanted to monkey-patch has long since been instantiated – and you do not have access to that instance. This implies that, if you want your monkey-patch to be meaningfully applied, you can no longer safely run the external py.test command. Instead, you have to wrap the running of that command with a custom setuptools test command that (in order): Monkey-patches the private _pytest API. Calls the public pytest.main() function to run the py.test command.
这个答案是monkey-patches py。Test的-s和——capture=没有捕获标准错误但不捕获标准输出的选项。默认情况下,这些选项既不捕获stderr也不捕获stdout。当然,这还不完全是开球。但每一次伟大的旅程都始于一个乏味的前传,五年后每个人都忘记了。
Why do this? I shall now tell you. My py.test-driven test suite contains slow functional tests. Displaying the stdout of these tests is helpful and reassuring, preventing leycec from reaching for killall -9 py.test when yet another long-running functional test fails to do anything for weeks on end. Displaying the stderr of these tests, however, prevents py.test from reporting exception tracebacks on test failures. Which is completely unhelpful. Hence, we coerce py.test to capture stderr but not stdout.
class PyTest(TestCommand):
def run_tests(self):
# Import the public "pytest" package *BEFORE* the private "_pytest"
# package. While importation order is typically ignorable, imports can
# technically have side effects. Tragicomically, that is the case here.
# Importing the public "pytest" package establishes runtime
# configuration required by submodules of the private "_pytest" package.
# The former *MUST* always be imported before the latter. Failing to do
# so raises obtuse exceptions at runtime... which is bad.
import pytest
from _pytest.capture import CaptureManager, FDCapture, MultiCapture
# If the private method to be monkey-patched no longer exists, py.test
# is either broken or unsupported. In either case, raise an exception.
if not hasattr(CaptureManager, '_getcapture'):
from distutils.errors import DistutilsClassError
raise DistutilsClassError(
'Class "pytest.capture.CaptureManager" method _getcapture() '
'not found. The current version of py.test is either '
'broken (unlikely) or unsupported (likely).'
# Old method to be monkey-patched.
_getcapture_old = CaptureManager._getcapture
# New method applying this monkey-patch. Note the use of:
# * "out=False", *NOT* capturing stdout.
# * "err=True", capturing stderr.
def _getcapture_new(self, method):
if method == "no":
return MultiCapture(
out=False, err=True, in_=False, Capture=FDCapture)
return _getcapture_old(self, method)
# Replace the old with the new method.
CaptureManager._getcapture = _getcapture_new
# Run py.test with all passed arguments.
errno = pytest.main(self.pytest_args)
python setup.py test -a "-s"
将上面的monkey-patch扩展到tee stdout和stderr,留给有大量空闲时间的读者做练习。
py.test exampletest.py -s
capsys、capsysbinary、capfd和capfbinary fixture允许访问创建的stdout/stderr输出 在测试执行期间。下面是一个测试函数的例子,它执行一些与输出相关的检查:
def test_print_something_even_if_the_test_pass(self, capsys):
text_to_be_printed = "Print me when the test pass."
p_t = capsys.readouterr()
# the two rows above will print the text even if the test pass.
test_print_something_even_if_the_test_pass PASSED[100%]测试通过时打印我