cat a.txt | xargs -I % echo %

在上面的例子中,xargs使用echo %作为命令参数。但在某些情况下,我需要多个命令来处理参数,而不是一个。例如:

cat a.txt | xargs -I % {command1; command2; ... }



cat a.txt | xargs -d $'\n' sh -c 'for arg do command1 "$arg"; command2 "$arg"; ...; done' _


<a.txt xargs -d $'\n' sh -c 'for arg do command1 "$arg"; command2 "$arg"; ...; done' _


The use of "$arg" instead of % (and the absence of -I in the xargs command line) is for security reasons: Passing data on sh's command-line argument list instead of substituting it into code prevents content that data might contain (such as $(rm -rf ~), to take a particularly malicious example) from being executed as code. Similarly, the use of -d $'\n' is a GNU extension which causes xargs to treat each line of the input file as a separate data item. Either this or -0 (which expects NULs instead of newlines) is necessary to prevent xargs from trying to apply shell-like (but not quite shell-compatible) parsing to the stream it reads. (If you don't have GNU xargs, you can use tr '\n' '\0' <a.txt | xargs -0 ... to get line-oriented reading without -d). The _ is a placeholder for $0, such that other data values added by xargs become $1 and onward, which happens to be the default set of values a for loop iterates over.


cat a.txt | xargs -d $'\n' sh -c 'for arg do command1 "$arg"; command2 "$arg"; ...; done' _


<a.txt xargs -d $'\n' sh -c 'for arg do command1 "$arg"; command2 "$arg"; ...; done' _


The use of "$arg" instead of % (and the absence of -I in the xargs command line) is for security reasons: Passing data on sh's command-line argument list instead of substituting it into code prevents content that data might contain (such as $(rm -rf ~), to take a particularly malicious example) from being executed as code. Similarly, the use of -d $'\n' is a GNU extension which causes xargs to treat each line of the input file as a separate data item. Either this or -0 (which expects NULs instead of newlines) is necessary to prevent xargs from trying to apply shell-like (but not quite shell-compatible) parsing to the stream it reads. (If you don't have GNU xargs, you can use tr '\n' '\0' <a.txt | xargs -0 ... to get line-oriented reading without -d). The _ is a placeholder for $0, such that other data values added by xargs become $1 and onward, which happens to be the default set of values a for loop iterates over.


tr '[\n]' '[\0]' < a.txt | xargs -r0 /bin/bash -c 'command1 "$@"; command2 "$@";' ''



如果你用…| xargs -r0 -I{} bash -c 'f="{}";命令"$f";' ",如果字符串包含双引号,则赋值将失败。这对于每个使用-i或-i的变体都是正确的。(由于它被替换为字符串,您总是可以通过在输入数据中插入意外字符(如引号、反引号或美元符号)来注入命令)


tr '[\n]' '[\0]' < a.txt | xargs -r0 -n1 /bin/bash -c 'command1 "$@"; command2 "$@";' ''


tr '[\n]' '[\0]' < a.txt | xargs -r0 /bin/bash -c 'for f in "$@"; do command1 "$f"; command2 "$f"; done;' ''

如果您有GNU xargs或其他带有-P扩展名的文件,并且希望并行运行32个进程,每个进程每个命令的参数不超过10个:

tr '[\n]' '[\0]' < a.txt | xargs -r0 -n10 -P32 /bin/bash -c 'command1 "$@"; command2 "$@";' ''


bash -c的第一个空白参数是由于:(来自bash手册页)(感谢@clacke)

-c   If the -c option is present, then  commands  are  read  from  the  first  non-option  argument  com‐
     mand_string.   If there are arguments after the command_string, the first argument is assigned to $0
     and any remaining arguments are assigned to the positional parameters.  The assignment  to  $0  sets
     the name of the shell, which is used in warning and error messages.

我有一个解决这个问题的好办法。 只要写一个命令mcmd,就可以了

find . -type f | xargs -i mcmd echo {} @@ cat {} @pipe sed -n '1,3p'


echo $* | sed -e 's/@@/\n/g' -e 's/@pipe/|/g' | csh


git config --global alias.all '!f() { find . -d -name ".git" | sed s/\\/\.git//g | xargs -P10 -I{} git --git-dir={}/.git --work-tree={} $1; }; f'


例句:get all pull


cat a.txt | xargs bash -c 'command1 $@; command2 $@' bash



cat a.txt | xargs -n 5 bash -c 'echo -n `date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S:` ; echo " data: " $@; echo "data again: " $@' bash