#123 salt hashed passwords
#123 salt hashed passwords
! 是对历史的扩展所以才没用。
$ git commit -m $'#228 update to a new version! margin of error is 33% | 33^*0.22;'
# commit message: #228 update to a new version! margin of error is 33% | 33^*0.22;
$ git commit -m $'docs!: new API reference for GPS horse navigation'
# commit message: docs!: new API reference for GPS horse navigation
如果没有$和' but '加上":
$ git commit -m "docs!: new API reference for GPS horse navigation"
bash: : unrecognized history modifier
如果与"和escape \一起使用(\仍然会在那里,或者我做错了什么):
$ git commit -m "docs\!: new API reference for GPS horse navigation"
# commit message: docs\!: new API reference for GPS horse navigation
! 是对历史的扩展所以才没用。
$ git commit -m $'#228 update to a new version! margin of error is 33% | 33^*0.22;'
# commit message: #228 update to a new version! margin of error is 33% | 33^*0.22;
$ git commit -m $'docs!: new API reference for GPS horse navigation'
# commit message: docs!: new API reference for GPS horse navigation
如果没有$和' but '加上":
$ git commit -m "docs!: new API reference for GPS horse navigation"
bash: : unrecognized history modifier
如果与"和escape \一起使用(\仍然会在那里,或者我做错了什么):
$ git commit -m "docs\!: new API reference for GPS horse navigation"
# commit message: docs\!: new API reference for GPS horse navigation
Git在要求用户在编辑器中编辑消息时给出的各种“提示”行默认情况下会用“#”注释掉。 commentchar配置变量可以用来自定义这个“#”为不同的字符。
理论上,你可以放一个core.commentChar字(多个字符),但是git 2.0.x/2.1将更加严格(2014年第三季度)。
参见commit 50b54fd by nguyfrecn Thái ngibmc Duy (pclouds):
我们不支持注释字符串(至少现在还不支持)。多字节字符编码也可能被误解。 带有两个逗号的测试被更新,因为它违反了这一点。它与在eff80a9中引入core.commentChar的补丁一起添加(允许自定义“comment char”- 2013-01-16)。我不清楚为什么这种行为是需要的。
git 2.0.x/2.1(2014年Q3)将添加一个core.commentChar的自动选择: 参见commit 84c9dc2
当core.commentChar为"auto"时,评论字符默认以'#'开头,但如果它已经在准备好的消息中,请在一个小子集中找到另一个字符。这应该会停止意外,因为git会意外地删除一些行。 注意,git还不够聪明,无法在自定义模板中将'#'识别为注释字符,并在最终的注释字符不同时将其转换。 它认为自定义模板中的“#”行是提交消息的一部分。所以不要在自定义模板中使用这个。
# ; @ ! $ % ^ & | :
这意味着像git commit -m '#1 fixed issue'这样的命令会自动将commentChar切换为';',因为在提交消息中使用了'#'。
参见Tom Wright的“生成散列-在Git提交消息中使用#s”
The Stackoverflow answer I linked to above also mentions a feature in Git that will choose a comment character automatically, based on the characters you use in commit messages. git config --global core.commentChar auto Sounds great right? Unfortunately, it only changes the comment character based on commits made after you turn it on; it doesn’t use your commit history to inform the choice. To my mind, this is a great feature hobbled by poor execution. It seems like a feature that would be effective only if it were on by default: One group of people will simply avoid using hashes in commits because they are familiar with the consequences. Others (like us) will only realise they need to change the comment character when they need to do a rebase. It doesn’t make sense in this situation to add a new commit just to trigger the desired behaviour. A third group of people will consciously accept early on that they need to change the default comment character and will simply choose an alternative. In other words, having this feature available as a non-default option helps virtually no-one. Since having it on by default would do nothing to harm any users, and would remove a pain point for some users, I can’t work out why this isn’t the case. Git isn’t famed for its usability, but to have a fix available and not to turn it on seems gratuitously user-hostile.
git commit --cleanup=whitespace
只需在# char之前使用空格字符开始提交消息即可。
Aborting commit due to empty commit message.
Could not amend commit after successfully picking 5e9159d9ce3a5c3c87a4fb7932fda4e53c7891db... 123 salt hashed passwords
This is most likely due to an empty commit message, or the pre-commit hook
failed. If the pre-commit hook failed, you may need to resolve the issue before
you are able to reword the commit.
You can amend the commit now, with
git commit --amend
Once you are satisfied with your changes, run
git rebase --continue
git commit --amend -m "#123 salt hashed passwords"
git rebase --continue