
当我删除文件夹中的迁移并尝试添加- migration时,它不会生成一个完整的文件(它是空的-因为我没有做任何更改,但现在删除了,迁移)。




删除VS中的Migrations文件夹。 创建一个新的迁移(例如add-migration InitialCreate) 从__efmigrationhistory db中删除除第一行外的所有内容,并将第一行值更改为带有日期代码的第一个迁移名称(例如20220510060015_InitialCreate)

如果您不知道迁移表的ProductVersion,您可以在新创建的Migrations文件夹中的Designer或Snaphot .cs文件中找到它。




To avoid the steps above, sometimes if a migration blows up midway through, you have to step through a migration and comment out each migrationBuilder block that's already completed (in the order they were created), especially if it's not clear from the migration error. So you can look at your db and see that tables, columns, FKs, indexes, etc. that have been dropped, renamed, created, etc. and then just go down the list of migrationBuilder blocks and step through the migration (comment out the completed steps, run update-database again, repeat). When you're done, uncomment everything.


无法添加或更新子行:外键约束失败 (Database1。# sql -修改- d9b - 445 b,约束 FK_TableA_TableB_TableBId外键(TableBId)引用 表b (' TableBId)


检查是否创建了FK列,是否分配了默认值(例如,在TableA中,FK约束TableBId = "0")。 修改PK表(或先创建它),使用第一步中分配的默认PK Id记录(例如,在TableB中,创建TableBId = "0"的记录)。 注释掉migrationBuilder之前的所有内容。AddForeignKey块出错并再次运行update-database。迁移现在应该创建FK约束并完成。 取消一切。


对于 EFCore 6/7:


Delete existing migrations from the Migrations Folder in your project. Delete the Context Snapshop files. I.e. ApplicationDbContextSnapshot.cs, DatabaseContextModelSnapshot.cs or similar. Rebuild your solution Run Add-Migration Initial. (Can be named how you like instead of Initial). This will create a migration in your Migration folder that includes creating the tables, but won't be applied yet. Open the generated Migration file and comment out all the code inside the "Up" method, so that it doesn't make any changes to all your existing tables. (This allows us to update the database in the correct format, without making any changes in the next step) Before the commented code within the Up function, add migrationBuilder.Sql("DELETE FROM [dbo].[__EFMigrationsHistory]"); to have the delete/truncate applied during migration

public partial class Initial : Migration
    public override void Up()
        migrationBuilder.Sql("DELETE FROM [dbo].[__EFMigrationsHistory]");

    public override void Down()

Run Update-Database. It will apply the Migration and remove existing migration tracking entriers (while not actually changing the database schema) and create a snapshot row in __EFMigrationsHistory Submit this code and apply to your dev, staging and production databases as you normally would (Ensure the code is still commented out in the Up function, no changes will be applied, except a new entry created in __EFMigrationsHistory) Remove migrationBuilder.Sql("DELETE FROM [dbo].[__EFMigrationsHistory]"); and uncomment all the code from step 5 and submit back to source control. (This way new devs can create the db from scratch. If someone forgot to update their existing database, it'll error out and complain that the tables already exist, so they can just comment the Initial file out and apply.)


从migrations文件夹中删除现有的迁移。 在包管理控制台运行Add-Migration ResetMigrations 清理Up()方法中的迁移历史:

/// <summary>
/// Reset existing migrations by cleaning the __MigrationHistory table
/// and creating a new initial migration with the current model snapshot.
/// </summary>
public partial class ResetMigrations : DbMigration
    public override void Up()
        Sql("DELETE FROM [dbo].[__MigrationHistory]");

    public override void Down()
Enable-Migrations -EnableAutomaticMigrations -Force


删除状态:删除项目中的迁移文件夹;和 删除数据库中的__MigrationHistory表(可能在系统表下);然后 在包管理器控制台中执行以下命令: Enable-Migrations -EnableAutomaticMigrations -Force 使用-EnableAutomaticMigrations或不使用-EnableAutomaticMigrations 最后,你可以运行: Add-Migration初始
