var componentArray: [String]
let dict = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("Components", ofType: "plist")!)
componentArray = dict.allKeys
componentArray = dict.allKeys as String
but get: 'String'不能转换为[String]
来自Array Apple官方文档:
init(_:) -创建一个包含序列元素的数组。
Array.init<S>(_ s: S) where Element == S.Element, S : Sequence
s -要转换为数组的元素序列。
You can use this initializer to create an array from any other type that conforms to the Sequence protocol...You can also use this initializer to convert a complex sequence or collection type back to an array. For example, the keys property of a dictionary isn’t an array with its own storage, it’s a collection that maps its elements from the dictionary only when they’re accessed, saving the time and space needed to allocate an array. If you need to pass those keys to a method that takes an array, however, use this initializer to convert that list from its type of LazyMapCollection<Dictionary<String, Int>, Int> to a simple [String].
func cacheImagesWithNames(names: [String]) {
// custom image loading and caching
let namedHues: [String: Int] = ["Vermillion": 18, "Magenta": 302,
"Gold": 50, "Cerise": 320]
let colorNames = Array(namedHues.keys)
// Prints "["Gold", "Cerise", "Magenta", "Vermillion"]"
这个答案将用于swift字典w/ String键。就像下面这个。
let dict: [String: Int] = ["hey": 1, "yo": 2, "sup": 3, "hello": 4, "whassup": 5]
extension Dictionary {
func allKeys() -> [String] {
guard self.keys.first is String else {
debugPrint("This function will not return other hashable types. (Only strings)")
return []
return self.flatMap { (anEntry) -> String? in
guard let temp = anEntry.key as? String else { return nil }
return temp }
let componentsArray = dict.allKeys()