
.home .red:第一个孩子{ 边框:1px纯红色; } < div class = "家" > < span >等等> < /跨度 < p class = "红色" >第一个< / p > < p class = "红色" >第二< / p > < p class = "红色" > < / p >第三 < p class = "红色" >第四< / p > < / div >




r:没有。红色~ .红色){ 边框:1px纯红色; } < div class = "家" > < span >等等> < /跨度 < p class = "红色" >第一个< / p > < p class = "红色" >第二< / p > < p class = "红色" > < / p >第三 < p class = "红色" >第四< / p > < / div >




Unfortunately, there is no similar :first-of-class pseudo-class for matching the first child element of a given class. At the time this answer was first posted, the newly published FPWD of Selectors level 4 introduced an :nth-match() pseudo-class, designed around existing selector mechanics as I mentioned in the first paragraph by adding a selector-list argument, through which you can supply the rest of the compound selector to get the desired filtering behavior. In recent years this functionality was subsumed into :nth-child() itself, with the selector list appearing as an optional second argument, to simplify things as well as averting the false impression that :nth-match() matched across the entire document (see the final note below).

当我们等待跨浏览器支持的时候(认真地说,已经有将近10年了,在过去的5年里只有一个实现),Lea Verou和我独立开发的一个解决方案(她是第一个做的!)是首先将你想要的样式应用到你所有的类元素上:

 * Select all .red children of .home, including the first one,
 * and give them a border.
.home > .red {
    border: 1px solid red;

... 然后在重写规则中使用一般的兄弟组合子~“撤消”第一个类之后的元素的样式:

 * Select all but the first .red child of .home,
 * and remove the border from the previous rule.
.home > .red ~ .red {
    border: none;



.home > .red { 边框:1px纯红色; } .home > .red ~ .red { 边界:没有; } < div class = "家" > < span > < /跨度 > <!——[1]——> <p class="red">first</p> <!——[2]——> <p class="red">second</p> <!——[3]——> <p class="red">third</p> <!——[3]——> <p class="red">fourth</p> <!——[3]——> < / div >

No rules are applied; no border is rendered. This element does not have the class red, so it's skipped. Only the first rule is applied; a red border is rendered. This element has the class red, but it's not preceded by any elements with the class red in its parent. Thus the second rule is not applied, only the first, and the element keeps its border. Both rules are applied; no border is rendered. This element has the class red. It is also preceded by at least one other element with the class red. Thus both rules are applied, and the second border declaration overrides the first, thereby "undoing" it, so to speak.

作为奖励,尽管它是在Selectors 3中引入的,但一般的兄弟组合子实际上在IE7和更新版本中得到了很好的支持,而不像:first-of-type和:nth-of-type()只在IE9之后才得到支持。如果您需要良好的浏览器支持,那么您很幸运。


You can use this to work around :first-of-type in IE7 and IE8, by simply supplying a type selector instead of a class selector (again, more on its incorrect usage in the question in a later section): article > p { /* Apply styles to article > p:first-of-type, which may or may not be :first-child */ } article > p ~ p { /* Undo the above styles for every subsequent article > p */ } You can filter by attribute selectors or any other simple selectors instead of classes. You can also combine this overriding technique with pseudo-elements even though pseudo-elements technically aren't simple selectors.

请注意,为了使其工作,您需要提前知道其他兄弟元素的默认样式是什么,以便可以覆盖第一个规则。此外,由于这涉及到CSS中的覆盖规则,您无法通过使用Selectors API或Selenium的CSS定位器来实现相同的功能。

On a final note, keep in mind that this answer assumes that the question is looking for any number of first child elements having a given class. There is neither a pseudo-class nor even a generic CSS solution for the nth match of a complex selector across the entire document — whether a solution exists depends heavily on the document structure. jQuery provides :eq(), :first, :last and more for this purpose, but note again that they function very differently from :nth-child() et al. Using the Selectors API, you can either use document.querySelector() to obtain the very first match:

var first = document.querySelector('.home > .red');


var redElements = document.querySelectorAll('.home > .red');
var first = redElements[0];
var second = redElements[1];
// etc

虽然Philip Daubmeier最初接受的答案中的。red:n -of-type(1)解决方案有效(最初由Martyn编写,但后来被删除了),但它并没有像您期望的那样表现。


<p class="red"></p>
<div class="red"></div>

... 那么你就不能使用.red:first-of-type(相当于.red:nth-of-type(1)),因为每个元素都是它的第一个(也是唯一一个)类型(分别是p和div),所以两者都将被选择器匹配。


<div class="home">
  <p class="red">first</p>
  <p class="red">second</p>
  <p class="red">third</p>
  <p class="red">fourth</p>


<div class="home">
  <p class="red">first</p>
  <p class="red">second</p>
  <p class="red">third</p>
  <p class="red">fourth</p>

... 选择器将立即失败,因为第一个.red元素现在是第二个p元素。



.home p:first-of-type




.home p:first-of-type { 边框:5px纯红色; 宽度:100%; 显示:块; } < div class = "家" > < span >等等> < /跨度 < p class = "红色" >第一个< / p > < p class = "红色" >第二< / p > < p class = "红色" > < / p >第三 < p class = "红色" >第四< / p > < / div >



在生成元素时给元素赋一个first类,如下所示: <p class="red first"></p> . < div class = "红色" > < / div > CSS: 当代。红色{ 边框:5px纯红色; } 这个CSS只匹配第一个类和红色类的元素。 或者,在JavaScript中做同样的事情,例如这里是你会使用jQuery来做这件事,使用与上面相同的CSS: $ (r:首先).addClass(“第一”);


.home > .red:first-child {
    /* put your styling here */