让我详细说明一下。你有Int, String和Real和函数类型Int -> String, String -> Real等等。你可以很容易地组合这些函数,以Int -> Real结尾。生活是美好的。
当然,你想在你的代码中使用你的类型构造函数,很快你就会以像Int -> Maybe String和String -> Maybe Float这样的函数结束。现在,你不能轻易地组合你的功能。生活不再美好。
这时单子就来拯救我们了。它们允许你再次组合这类功能。你只需要改变成分。> = =。
main₀ :: String -> String
main₀ _ = "Hello World"
data Output = TxtOutput String
| Beep Frequency
main₁ :: String -> [Output]
main₁ _ = [ TxtOutput "Hello World"
-- , Beep 440 -- for debugging
readFile :: Filepath -> (String -> [Output]) -> [Output]
data IO₀ = TxtOut String
| TxtIn (String -> [Output])
| FileWrite FilePath String
| FileRead FilePath (String -> [Output])
| Beep Double
main₂ :: String -> [IO₀]
main₂ _ = [ FileRead "/dev/null" $ \_ ->
[TxtOutput "Hello World"]
data IO₁ = TxtOut String
| TxtIn (String -> [IO₁])
| FileWrite FilePath String
| FileRead FilePath (String -> [IO₁])
| Beep Double
main₃ :: String -> [IO₁]
main₃ _ = [ TxtIn $ \_ ->
[TxtOut "Hello World"]
Main₃可以分解出一系列的动作。为什么我们不简单地使用签名::IO₁,它有一个特例? 这些列表不再真正给出程序流程的可靠概述:大多数后续计算只会作为某些输入操作的结果被“宣布”。因此,我们不妨放弃列表结构,并简单地为每个输出操作添加一个“and then do”。
data IO₂ = TxtOut String IO₂
| TxtIn (String -> IO₂)
| Terminate
main₄ :: IO₂
main₄ = TxtIn $ \_ ->
TxtOut "Hello World"
getTime :: (UTCTime -> IO₂) -> IO₂
randomRIO :: Random r => (r,r) -> (r -> IO₂) -> IO₂
findFile :: RegEx -> (Maybe FilePath -> IO₂) -> IO₂
type IO₃ a = (a -> IO₂) -> IO₂ -- If this reminds you of continuation-passing
-- style, you're right.
getTime :: IO₃ UTCTime
randomRIO :: Random r => (r,r) -> IO₃ r
findFile :: RegEx -> IO₃ (Maybe FilePath)
Now that starts to look familiar, but we're still only dealing with thinly-disguised plain functions under the hood, and that's risky: each “value-action” has the responsibility of actually passing on the resulting action of any contained function (else the control flow of the entire program is easily disrupted by one ill-behaved action in the middle). We'd better make that requirement explicit. Well, it turns out those are the monad laws, though I'm not sure we can really formulate them without the standard bind/join operators.
data IO₄ a = TxtOut String (IO₄ a)
| TxtIn (String -> IO₄ a)
| TerminateWith a
txtOut :: String -> IO₄ ()
txtOut s = TxtOut s $ TerminateWith ()
txtIn :: IO₄ String
txtIn = TxtIn $ TerminateWith
instance Functor IO₄ where
fmap f (TerminateWith a) = TerminateWith $ f a
fmap f (TxtIn g) = TxtIn $ fmap f . g
fmap f (TxtOut s c) = TxtOut s $ fmap f c
instance Applicative IO₄ where
pure = TerminateWith
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad IO₄ where
TerminateWith x >>= f = f x
TxtOut s c >>= f = TxtOut s $ c >>= f
TxtIn g >>= f = TxtIn $ (>>=f) . g
让我详细说明一下。你有Int, String和Real和函数类型Int -> String, String -> Real等等。你可以很容易地组合这些函数,以Int -> Real结尾。生活是美好的。
当然,你想在你的代码中使用你的类型构造函数,很快你就会以像Int -> Maybe String和String -> Maybe Float这样的函数结束。现在,你不能轻易地组合你的功能。生活不再美好。
这时单子就来拯救我们了。它们允许你再次组合这类功能。你只需要改变成分。> = =。
一个类型系统可以看作是计算一种静态 近似于程序中项的运行时行为。
举个例子,假设我们想过滤一个列表。最简单的方法是使用filter函数:filter (> 3) [1..]10],等于[4,5,6,7,8,9,10]。
swap (x, y) = (y, x)
(.*) = (.) . (.)
filterAccum :: (a -> b -> (Bool, a)) -> a -> [b] -> [b]
filterAccum f a xs = [x | (x, True) <- zip xs $ snd $ mapAccumL (swap .* f) a xs]
获取所有i,使i <= 10, sum [1..]I] > 4, sum [1..I] < 25,我们可以写
filterAccum (\a x -> let a' = a + x in (a' > 4 && a' < 25, a')) 0 [1..10]
nub' = filterAccum (\a x -> (x `notElem` a, x:a)) []
nub' [1,2,4,5,4,3,1,8,9,4] equals [1,2,4,5,3,8,9]. A list is passed as an accumulator here. The code works, because it's possible to leave the list monad, so the whole computation stays pure (notElem doesn't use >>= actually, but it could). However it's not possible to safely leave the IO monad (i.e. you cannot execute an IO action and return a pure value — the value always will be wrapped in the IO monad). Another example is mutable arrays: after you have leaved the ST monad, where a mutable array live, you cannot update the array in constant time anymore. So we need a monadic filtering from the Control.Monad module:
filterM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a]
filterM _ [] = return []
filterM p (x:xs) = do
flg <- p x
ys <- filterM p xs
return (if flg then x:ys else ys)
nub' xs = runST $ do
arr <- newArray (1, 9) True :: ST s (STUArray s Int Bool)
let p i = readArray arr i <* writeArray arr i False
filterM p xs
main = print $ nub' [1,2,4,5,4,3,1,8,9,4]
main = filterM p [1,2,4,5] >>= print where
p i = putStrLn ("return " ++ show i ++ "?") *> readLn
return 1? -- output
True -- input
return 2?
return 4?
return 5?
[1,5] -- output
filterAccum f a xs = evalState (filterM (state . flip f) xs) a
在函数式语言中,最强大的代码重用工具是函数的组合。老的(.)::(b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)运算符非常强大。它可以很容易地编写小函数,并以最小的语法或语义开销将它们粘合在一起。
但在某些情况下,这些类型并不完全正确。当你有foo::(b ->也许c)和bar::(a ->也许b)你会做什么?foo。bar不进行类型检查,因为b和b可能不是相同的类型。
但是…几乎是对的。你只是需要一点回旋的余地。你想要把Maybe b看成是b,但是直接把它们看成是同一种类型不是一个好主意。这或多或少和空指针是一样的,Tony Hoare把空指针称为“十亿美元的错误”。因此,如果不能将它们视为同一类型,也许可以找到一种方法来扩展组合机制(.)提供的功能。
In that case, it's important to really examine the theory underlying (.). Fortunately, someone has already done this for us. It turns out that the combination of (.) and id form a mathematical construct known as a category. But there are other ways to form categories. A Kleisli category, for instance, allows the objects being composed to be augmented a bit. A Kleisli category for Maybe would consist of (.) :: (b -> Maybe c) -> (a -> Maybe b) -> (a -> Maybe c) and id :: a -> Maybe a. That is, the objects in the category augment the (->) with a Maybe, so (a -> b) becomes (a -> Maybe b).
左标识:id。F = F 右恒等式:f。Id = f 结合律:f。(g。H) = (f。g)。h
As long as you can prove that your type obeys those three laws, you can turn it into a Kleisli category. And what's the big deal about that? Well, it turns out that monads are exactly the same thing as Kleisli categories. Monad's return is the same as Kleisli id. Monad's (>>=) isn't identical to Kleisli (.), but it turns out to be very easy to write each in terms of the other. And the category laws are the same as the monad laws, when you translate them across the difference between (>>=) and (.).
代码重用的第一个维度直接来自抽象的存在。您可以编写跨所有抽象实例工作的代码。有一个完整的Monad -loops包,由与Monad的任何实例一起工作的循环组成。
[...] monads are used to address the more general problem of computations (involving state, input/output, backtracking, ...) returning values: they do not solve any input/output-problems directly but rather provide an elegant and flexible abstraction of many solutions to related problems. [...] For instance, no less than three different input/output-schemes are used to solve these basic problems in Imperative functional programming, the paper which originally proposed `a new model, based on monads, for performing input/output in a non-strict, purely functional language'. [...] [Such] input/output-schemes merely provide frameworks in which side-effecting operations can safely be used with a guaranteed order of execution and without affecting the properties of the purely functional parts of the language. Claus Reinke (pages 96-97 of 210). (emphasis by me.) [...] When we write effectful code – monads or no monads – we have to constantly keep in mind the context of expressions we pass around. The fact that monadic code ‘desugars’ (is implementable in terms of) side-effect-free code is irrelevant. When we use monadic notation, we program within that notation – without considering what this notation desugars into. Thinking of the desugared code breaks the monadic abstraction. A side-effect-free, applicative code is normally compiled to (that is, desugars into) C or machine code. If the desugaring argument has any force, it may be applied just as well to the applicative code, leading to the conclusion that it all boils down to the machine code and hence all programming is imperative. [...] From the personal experience, I have noticed that the mistakes I make when writing monadic code are exactly the mistakes I made when programming in C. Actually, monadic mistakes tend to be worse, because monadic notation (compared to that of a typical imperative language) is ungainly and obscuring. Oleg Kiselyov (page 21 of 26). The most difficult construct for students to understand is the monad. I introduce IO without mentioning monads. Olaf Chitil.
Still, today, over 25 years after the introduction of the concept of monads to the world of functional programming, beginning functional programmers struggle to grasp the concept of monads. This struggle is exemplified by the numerous blog posts about the effort of trying to learn about monads. From our own experience we notice that even at university level, bachelor level students often struggle to comprehend monads and consistently score poorly on monad-related exam questions. Considering that the concept of monads is not likely to disappear from the functional programming landscape any time soon, it is vital that we, as the functional programming community, somehow overcome the problems novices encounter when first studying monads. Tim Steenvoorden, Jurriën Stutterheim, Erik Barendsen and Rinus Plasmeijer.
如果有另一种方法可以在Haskell中指定“有保证的执行顺序”,同时保持将常规Haskell定义与那些涉及I/O(及其可观察的效果)的定义分开的能力-翻译Philip Wadler的这种变化:
val echoML : unit -> unit
fun echoML () = let val c = getcML () in
if c = #"\n" then
let val _ = putcML c in
echoML ()
fun putcML c = TextIO.output1(TextIO.stdOut,c);
fun getcML () = valOf(TextIO.input1(TextIO.stdIn));
echo :: OI -> ()
echo u = let !(u1:u2:u3:_) = partsOI u in
let !c = getChar u1 in
if c == '\n' then
let !_ = putChar c u2 in
echo u3
data OI -- abstract
foreign import ccall "primPartOI" partOI :: OI -> (OI, OI)
foreign import ccall "primGetCharOI" getChar :: OI -> Char
foreign import ccall "primPutCharOI" putChar :: Char -> OI -> ()
partsOI :: OI -> [OI]
partsOI u = let !(u1, u2) = partOI u in u1 : partsOI u2
module Main(main) where
main :: OI -> ()
一旦你进入IO单子,你就永远被困在那里,并被简化为algolstyle命令式编程。 罗伯特·哈珀。
type IO a = OI -> a
unitIO :: a -> IO a
unitIO x = \ u -> let !_ = partOI u in x
bindIO :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
bindIO m k = \ u -> let !(u1, u2) = partOI u in
let !x = m u1 in
let !y = k x u2 in
LML早在1989年就有了一个完整的oracle多处理器(sequence Symmetry)实现。Fudgets论文中的描述引用了这个实现。和它一起工作很愉快,也很实用。 […] 现在所有的事情都是用单子完成的,所以其他的解决方案有时会被遗忘。 Lennart Augustsson(2006)。