

使用Hub命令行包装器,您可以将其链接到git,然后就可以执行 git pull请求


   git pull-request [-f] [TITLE|-i ISSUE|ISSUE-URL] [-b BASE] [-h HEAD]
          Opens a pull request on GitHub for the project that the "origin" remote points to. The default head of the pull request is the current branch. Both base and head of the pull request can be explicitly given in one  of  the  following  formats:  "branch",  "owner:branch",
          "owner/repo:branch". This command will abort operation if it detects that the current topic branch has local commits that are not yet pushed to its upstream branch on the remote. To skip this check, use -f.

          If TITLE is omitted, a text editor will open in which title and body of the pull request can be entered in the same manner as git commit message.

          If instead of normal TITLE an issue number is given with -i, the pull request will be attached to an existing GitHub issue. Alternatively, instead of title you can paste a full URL to an issue on GitHub.


我以前用过这个工具-虽然看起来需要先打开一个问题,但如果你使用github问题跟踪,它非常有用,真的简化了工作流程。Git打开拉取,然后从你所在或选择的分支提交一个拉取请求。 https://github.com/jehiah/git-open-pull


使用Hub命令行包装器,您可以将其链接到git,然后就可以执行 git pull请求


   git pull-request [-f] [TITLE|-i ISSUE|ISSUE-URL] [-b BASE] [-h HEAD]
          Opens a pull request on GitHub for the project that the "origin" remote points to. The default head of the pull request is the current branch. Both base and head of the pull request can be explicitly given in one  of  the  following  formats:  "branch",  "owner:branch",
          "owner/repo:branch". This command will abort operation if it detects that the current topic branch has local commits that are not yet pushed to its upstream branch on the remote. To skip this check, use -f.

          If TITLE is omitted, a text editor will open in which title and body of the pull request can be entered in the same manner as git commit message.

          If instead of normal TITLE an issue number is given with -i, the pull request will be attached to an existing GitHub issue. Alternatively, instead of title you can paste a full URL to an issue on GitHub.




alias pr='open -n -a "Google Chrome" --args "https://github.com/user/repo/compare/pre-master...nawarkhede:$(git_current_branch)\?expand\=1"'



似乎在hub命令中添加一个特别有用的东西:http://github.com/defunkt/hub或github gem: http://github.com/defunkt/github-gem
