PGPASSWORD=password psql -U username -d dbname -c "select * from my_table"
我将添加我的经验,一个命令,在windows机器上。 我想尝试运行一个命令,从中我将获得表内容。
psql -U postgres -d typeorm -c "SELECT * FROM \"Author\";
- u postgres - user -d typeorm -我要连接的数据库 - c…-我的查询命令 ; ——分号
打开命令提示符,进入Postgres安装的目录。在我的情况下,我的Postgres路径是“D:\TOOLS\Postgresql-9.4.1-3”。然后移动到Postgres的bin目录。因此命令提示符显示为"D:\TOOLS\Postgresql-9.4.1-3\bin>" 现在我的目标是从用户表中使用“UserId”值选择“UserName”。数据库查询是"Select u "UserName" from users u其中u."UserId"=1"。
D:\TOOLS\Postgresql-9.4.1-3\bin>psql - u postgress - D DatabaseName -h localhost - t -c "Select u.\"UserName\" from users u其中u.\"UserId\"=1;
在有密码保护的数据库中直接执行SQL命令。它宁愿在命令行中使用连接字符串格式。 使用该命令:
psql -d postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/dbname
-c "create database sample1 --or any command"
PGPASSWORD=password psql -U username -d dbname -c "select * from my_table"
I have no doubt on @Grant answer. But I face few issues sometimes such as if the column name is similar to any reserved keyword of postgresql such as natural in this case similar SQL is difficult to run from the command line as "\natural\" will be needed in Query field. So my approach is to write the SQL in separate file and run the SQL file from command line. This has another advantage too. If you have to change the query for a large script you do not need to touch the script file or command. Only change the SQL file like this
psql -h localhost -d database -U postgres -p 5432 -a -q -f /path/to/the/file.sql
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