I have run into a bit of a problem here: I had a problem-specific branch 28s in Git, that I merged in the general develop branch. Turns out I had done it too fast, so I used git-revert to undo the merge. Now, however, the time has come to merge 28s into develop, but git-merge command sees the original merge, and happily announces that all is well and branches have been already merged. What do I do now? Create a 'Revert "Revert "28s -> develop"" ' commit? Doesn't seem to be a good way to do it, but I can't imagine any other at the moment.



在最初的合并之前在提交时创建新的分支-称其为' development -base' 在' development -base'之上执行'develop'的交互式重基(即使它已经在顶部)。在交互重基期间,你将有机会删除合并提交和反转合并的提交,即从git历史中删除这两个事件




相反,我签出了我想让分支返回的提交,例如git checkout 123466t7632723。然后转换为一个分支git签出my-new-branch。然后我删除了我不再需要的分支。当然,这只有在你能够扔掉你搞砸的分支的情况下才会起作用。

在最初的合并之前在提交时创建新的分支-称其为' development -base' 在' development -base'之上执行'develop'的交互式重基(即使它已经在顶部)。在交互重基期间,你将有机会删除合并提交和反转合并的提交,即从git历史中删除这两个事件





              /                       /

But does it all work? Sure it does. You can revert a merge, and from a purely technical angle, git did it very naturally and had no real troubles. It just considered it a change from "state before merge" to "state after merge", and that was it. Nothing complicated, nothing odd, nothing really dangerous. Git will do it without even thinking about it. So from a technical angle, there's nothing wrong with reverting a merge, but from a workflow angle it's something that you generally should try to avoid. If at all possible, for example, if you find a problem that got merged into the main tree, rather than revert the merge, try really hard to: bisect the problem down into the branch you merged, and just fix it, or try to revert the individual commit that caused it. Yes, it's more complex, and no, it's not always going to work (sometimes the answer is: "oops, I really shouldn't have merged it, because it wasn't ready yet, and I really need to undo all of the merge"). So then you really should revert the merge, but when you want to re-do the merge, you now need to do it by reverting the revert.


创建一个develop的本地垃圾副本 在develop的本地副本上恢复恢复提交 将该副本合并到您的特性分支中,并将您的特性分支推到您的git服务器。



git checkout devel


将您的更改保存在开发分支中(因为错误的合并),因为它们 Too将被git-reset删除。所有提交都在您指定的之后 git重置参数将消失! 另外,如果您的更改已经从其他存储库中取出,则不要这样做 因为重置将改写历史。



git checkout devel
git merge 28s

这将是一个真正的合并从28s到devel像最初的一个(现在是 从git的历史中删除)。