class Map(db.Model):
members = models.ManyToManyField(User, related_name='maps',
class Map(db.Model):
members = models.ManyToManyField(User, related_name='maps',
prefetch_related use for prefetch data for Many to many and many to one relationship data. select_related is to select data from a single value relationship. Both of these are used to fetch data from their relationships from a model. For example, you build a model and a model that has a relationship with other models. When a request comes you will also query for their relationship data and Django has very good mechanisms To access data from their relationship like book.author.name but when you iterate a list of models for fetching their relationship data Django create each request for every single relationship data. To overcome this we do have prefetchd_related and selected_related
相关的name参数实际上是一个选项。如果我们不设置它,Django 自动为我们创建关系的另一端。在Map模型中, Django会创建一个map_set属性,允许通过m.map_set在你的 示例(m是你的类实例)。Django使用的公式是模型名后面跟着 字符串_set。因此,相关的name参数简单地覆盖了Django的默认值 而不是提供新的行为。
prefetch_related use for prefetch data for Many to many and many to one relationship data. select_related is to select data from a single value relationship. Both of these are used to fetch data from their relationships from a model. For example, you build a model and a model that has a relationship with other models. When a request comes you will also query for their relationship data and Django has very good mechanisms To access data from their relationship like book.author.name but when you iterate a list of models for fetching their relationship data Django create each request for every single relationship data. To overcome this we do have prefetchd_related and selected_related
class UserMapDataFrame(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
使用related_name允许您指定一个更简单或更容易读懂的名称来获得相反的关系。在本例中,如果指定user = models。ForeignKey(User, related_name='map_data'),则调用User.map_data.all()。
class BOM(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=200,null=True, blank=True)
description = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)
tomaterial = models.ForeignKey(Material, related_name = 'tomaterial')
frommaterial = models.ForeignKey(Material, related_name = 'frommaterial')
creation_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, blank=True)
quantity = models.DecimalField(max_digits=19, decimal_places=10)
所以当你需要访问这些数据时 只能使用相关名称
bom = material.tomaterial.all().order_by('-creation_time')
既然你有Map和User模型,并且你已经在Map模型中定义了ManyToManyField,如果你想访问Map的成员,那么你有map_instance.members.all()选项,因为你已经定义了members字段。 然而,如果你想访问所有的地图用户是一个部分,那么你有什么选择。