当我从Android Studio打开Android SDK管理器时,SDK路径显示为:
当我从Android Studio打开Android SDK管理器时,SDK路径显示为:
下面是如何在android studio中更改android sdk路径:
Open your required android project in Android studio Click on the main project folder and press F4 Now click on "SDKs" under Platform Settings (Left hand side of the dialog box) You should now see a plus sign on the top, click it and choose "Android SDK" Now you would be asked to choose the required SDK folder Select the required build target(if necessary) and click "ok" Now you should see the new entry in the list of SDKs Click "Modules" under Project Settings Select your project folder and in the Dropdown for "Module SDK", select the new SDK entry and click "apply" Now click "OK" and your done.
注意:如果更改没有生效,重新启动android studio应该可以解决这个问题。
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然后 Android SDK和选择到我当前位置的Android SDK的路径
我遇到了同样的问题,但sdk路径指向一个挂载驱动器。我发现,简单地退出Android Studio,卸载设备并重新启动Android Studio会让它询问sdk位置,因为它没有sdk位置(Android Studio Beta 0.8.7)。
因此,我猜如果你只是退出Android Studio,删除\ Android - Studio \sdk或将其移动到其他地方,并再次启动Android Studio,它应该要求sdk的位置以及。
在Android Studio 2.2.3中,我认为你可以从顶部菜单更改所有项目的默认SDK位置:
从快速启动窗口中,选择配置,然后选择项目默认值,然后选择项目结构。然后在左侧的“平台设置”中选择“sdk”。然后在右边选择当前的android平台,我的是android 4.2.2平台,使用顶部的红色减号按钮删除它,然后使用顶部的绿色加号按钮添加一个新的android平台,并将其指向当前的SDK文件夹,就是这样。
下面是如何在android studio中更改android sdk路径:
Open your required android project in Android studio Click on the main project folder and press F4 Now click on "SDKs" under Platform Settings (Left hand side of the dialog box) You should now see a plus sign on the top, click it and choose "Android SDK" Now you would be asked to choose the required SDK folder Select the required build target(if necessary) and click "ok" Now you should see the new entry in the list of SDKs Click "Modules" under Project Settings Select your project folder and in the Dropdown for "Module SDK", select the new SDK entry and click "apply" Now click "OK" and your done.
注意:如果更改没有生效,重新启动android studio应该可以解决这个问题。