我如何检测我的node .JS文件是否被调用使用SH:node path-to file或JS:require('path-to file')?
我如何检测我的node .JS文件是否被调用使用SH:node path-to file或JS:require('path-to file')?
if (
typeof process === 'object' && process && process.argv
&& (
typeof module === 'object' && module
&& (
|| require.main === module
|| (process.mainModule && process.mainModule.filename === __filename)
|| (__filename === "[stdin]" && __dirname === ".")
|| (
typeof document === "object"
&& (function() {
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
try { // in case we are in a special environment without path
var normalize = require("path").normalize;
for (var i=0,len=scripts.length|0; i < len; i=i+1|0)
if (normalize(scripts[i].src.replace(/^file:/i,"")) === __filename)
return true;
} catch(e) {}
) {
// this module is top-level and invoked directly by the CLI
console.log("Invoked from CLI");
} else {
console.log("Not invoked from CLI");
Requiring the script (e.x. require('./main.js')) Directly invoking the script (e.x. nodejs cli.js) Preloading another script (e.x. nodejs -r main.js cli.js) Piping into node CLI (e.x. cat cli.js | nodejs) Piping with preloading (e.x. cat cli.js | nodejs -r main.js) In workers (e.x. new Worker('./worker.js')) In evaled workers (e.x. new Worker('if (<test for CLI>) ...', {eval: true})) Inside ES6 modules (e.x. nodejs --experimental-modules cli-es6.js) Modules with preload (e.x. nodejs --experimental-modules -r main-es6.js cli-es6.js) Piped ES6 modules (e.x. cat cli-es6.js | nodejs --experimental-modules) Pipe+preload module (e.x. cat cli-es6.js | nodejs --experimental-modules -r main-es6.js) In the browser (in which case, CLI is false because there is no process.argv) In mixed browser+server environments (e.x. ElectronJS, in which case both inline scripts and all modules loaded via <script> tags are considered CLI)
唯一不工作的情况是当你预加载顶级脚本(例如nodejs -r cli.js cli.js)。这个问题不能通过管道(例如cat cli.js | nodejs -r cli.js)来解决,因为这会执行两次脚本(一次作为必需的模块,一次作为顶级模块)。我不相信有任何可能的解决办法,因为没有办法知道什么主脚本将从一个预加载的脚本。
†理论上,错误可能会从对象的getter内部抛出(例如,如果有人疯狂地执行object . defineproperty (globalThis, "process", {get(){throw 0}});),然而,对于任何环境中代码片段中使用的属性,在默认情况下这永远不会发生。
var isCLI = !module.parent;
var isCLI = require.main === module;
var isCLI = require.main === module;
var wasRequired = !isCLI;
if (require.main === module) {
console.log('called directly');
} else {
console.log('required as a module');
if (
typeof process === 'object' && process && process.argv
&& (
typeof module === 'object' && module
&& (
|| require.main === module
|| (process.mainModule && process.mainModule.filename === __filename)
|| (__filename === "[stdin]" && __dirname === ".")
|| (
typeof document === "object"
&& (function() {
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
try { // in case we are in a special environment without path
var normalize = require("path").normalize;
for (var i=0,len=scripts.length|0; i < len; i=i+1|0)
if (normalize(scripts[i].src.replace(/^file:/i,"")) === __filename)
return true;
} catch(e) {}
) {
// this module is top-level and invoked directly by the CLI
console.log("Invoked from CLI");
} else {
console.log("Not invoked from CLI");
Requiring the script (e.x. require('./main.js')) Directly invoking the script (e.x. nodejs cli.js) Preloading another script (e.x. nodejs -r main.js cli.js) Piping into node CLI (e.x. cat cli.js | nodejs) Piping with preloading (e.x. cat cli.js | nodejs -r main.js) In workers (e.x. new Worker('./worker.js')) In evaled workers (e.x. new Worker('if (<test for CLI>) ...', {eval: true})) Inside ES6 modules (e.x. nodejs --experimental-modules cli-es6.js) Modules with preload (e.x. nodejs --experimental-modules -r main-es6.js cli-es6.js) Piped ES6 modules (e.x. cat cli-es6.js | nodejs --experimental-modules) Pipe+preload module (e.x. cat cli-es6.js | nodejs --experimental-modules -r main-es6.js) In the browser (in which case, CLI is false because there is no process.argv) In mixed browser+server environments (e.x. ElectronJS, in which case both inline scripts and all modules loaded via <script> tags are considered CLI)
唯一不工作的情况是当你预加载顶级脚本(例如nodejs -r cli.js cli.js)。这个问题不能通过管道(例如cat cli.js | nodejs -r cli.js)来解决,因为这会执行两次脚本(一次作为必需的模块,一次作为顶级模块)。我不相信有任何可能的解决办法,因为没有办法知道什么主脚本将从一个预加载的脚本。
†理论上,错误可能会从对象的getter内部抛出(例如,如果有人疯狂地执行object . defineproperty (globalThis, "process", {get(){throw 0}});),然而,对于任何环境中代码片段中使用的属性,在默认情况下这永远不会发生。
module.exports = function () {
return require.main === module.parent;
module.exports = function () {
// generate a stack trace
const stack = (new Error()).stack;
// the third line refers to our caller
const stackLine = stack.split("\n")[2];
// extract the module name from that line
const callerModuleName = /\((.*):\d+:\d+\)$/.exec(stackLine)[1];
return require.main.filename === callerModuleName;
const isMainModule = require("./is-main-module");
if (isMainModule()) {
console.info("called directly");
} else {
console.info("required as a module");
var runningAsScript = !module.parent;