我目前正在尝试Python 3.7中引入的新数据类结构。我目前被困在试图做一些继承的父类。看起来参数的顺序被我当前的方法搞砸了,比如子类中的bool形参在其他形参之前传递。这将导致一个类型错误。

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Parent:
    name: str
    age: int
    ugly: bool = False

    def print_name(self):

    def print_age(self):

    def print_id(self):
        print(f'The Name is {self.name} and {self.name} is {self.age} year old')

class Child(Parent):
    school: str
    ugly: bool = True

jack = Parent('jack snr', 32, ugly=True)
jack_son = Child('jack jnr', 12, school = 'havard', ugly=True)



TypeError: non-default argument 'school' follows default argument




from collections import OrderedDict
import typing as ty
import dataclasses
from itertools import takewhile

class DataClassTerm:
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        return super().__new__(cls)

class DataClassMeta(type):
    def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, clsdict):
        fields = {}

        # Get list of base classes including the class to be produced(initialized without its original base classes as those have already become dataclasses)
        bases_and_self = [dataclasses.dataclass(super().__new__(cls, clsname, (DataClassTerm,), clsdict))] + list(bases)

        # Whatever is a subclass of DataClassTerm will become a DataClassTerm. 
        # Following block will iterate and create individual dataclasses and collect their fields
        for base in bases_and_self[::-1]: # Ensure that last fields in last base is prioritized
            if issubclass(base, DataClassTerm):
                to_dc_bases = list(takewhile(lambda c: c is not DataClassTerm, base.__mro__))
                for dc_base in to_dc_bases[::-1]: # Ensure that last fields in last base in MRO is prioritized(same as in dataclasses)
                    if dataclasses.is_dataclass(dc_base):
                        valid_dc = dc_base
                        valid_dc = dataclasses.dataclass(dc_base)
                    for field in dataclasses.fields(valid_dc):
                        fields[field.name] = (field.name, field.type, field)
        # Following block will reorder the fields so that fields without default values are first in order
        reordered_fields = OrderedDict()
        for n, t, f  in fields.values():
            if f.default is dataclasses.MISSING and f.default_factory is dataclasses.MISSING:
                reordered_fields[n] = (n, t, f)
        for n, t, f  in fields.values():
            if n not in reordered_fields.keys():
                reordered_fields[n] = (n, t, f)
        # Create a new dataclass using `dataclasses.make_dataclass`, which ultimately calls type.__new__, which is the same as super().__new__ in our case
        fields = list(reordered_fields.values())
        full_dc = dataclasses.make_dataclass(cls_name=clsname, fields=fields, init=True, bases=(DataClassTerm,))
        # Discard the created dataclass class and create new one using super but preserve the dataclass specific namespace.
        return super().__new__(cls, clsname, bases, {**full_dc.__dict__,**clsdict})
class DataClassCustom(DataClassTerm, metaclass=DataClassMeta):
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if len(args)>0:
            raise RuntimeError("Do not use positional arguments for initialization.")
        return super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)


class DataClassCustomA(DataClassCustom):
    field_A_1: int = dataclasses.field()
    field_A_2: ty.AnyStr = dataclasses.field(default=None)

class SomeOtherClass:
    def methodA(self):
        print('print from SomeOtherClass().methodA')

class DataClassCustomB(DataClassCustomA,SomeOtherClass):
    field_B_1: int = dataclasses.field()
    field_B_2: ty.Dict = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)


result_b = DataClassCustomB(field_A_1=1, field_B_1=2)

# DataClassCustomB(field_A_1=1, field_B_1=2, field_A_2=None, field_B_2={})

# print from SomeOtherClass().methodA

尝试在每个父类上使用@dataclass装饰器做同样的事情会在接下来的子类中引发一个异常,如TypeError(f'non-default argument <field-name)跟随默认参数')。上面的解决方案防止了这种情况的发生,因为字段首先被重新排序。然而,由于字段的顺序被修改了,在DataClassCustom中防止*args的使用。__new__是强制的,因为原来的顺序不再有效。

虽然在Python >=3.10中引入了kw_only特性,本质上使数据类中的继承更加可靠,但上面的示例仍然可以用作一种使数据类可继承的方法,而不需要使用@dataclass装饰器。



from collections import OrderedDict
import typing as ty
import dataclasses
from itertools import takewhile

class DataClassTerm:
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        return super().__new__(cls)

class DataClassMeta(type):
    def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, clsdict):
        fields = {}

        # Get list of base classes including the class to be produced(initialized without its original base classes as those have already become dataclasses)
        bases_and_self = [dataclasses.dataclass(super().__new__(cls, clsname, (DataClassTerm,), clsdict))] + list(bases)

        # Whatever is a subclass of DataClassTerm will become a DataClassTerm. 
        # Following block will iterate and create individual dataclasses and collect their fields
        for base in bases_and_self[::-1]: # Ensure that last fields in last base is prioritized
            if issubclass(base, DataClassTerm):
                to_dc_bases = list(takewhile(lambda c: c is not DataClassTerm, base.__mro__))
                for dc_base in to_dc_bases[::-1]: # Ensure that last fields in last base in MRO is prioritized(same as in dataclasses)
                    if dataclasses.is_dataclass(dc_base):
                        valid_dc = dc_base
                        valid_dc = dataclasses.dataclass(dc_base)
                    for field in dataclasses.fields(valid_dc):
                        fields[field.name] = (field.name, field.type, field)
        # Following block will reorder the fields so that fields without default values are first in order
        reordered_fields = OrderedDict()
        for n, t, f  in fields.values():
            if f.default is dataclasses.MISSING and f.default_factory is dataclasses.MISSING:
                reordered_fields[n] = (n, t, f)
        for n, t, f  in fields.values():
            if n not in reordered_fields.keys():
                reordered_fields[n] = (n, t, f)
        # Create a new dataclass using `dataclasses.make_dataclass`, which ultimately calls type.__new__, which is the same as super().__new__ in our case
        fields = list(reordered_fields.values())
        full_dc = dataclasses.make_dataclass(cls_name=clsname, fields=fields, init=True, bases=(DataClassTerm,))
        # Discard the created dataclass class and create new one using super but preserve the dataclass specific namespace.
        return super().__new__(cls, clsname, bases, {**full_dc.__dict__,**clsdict})
class DataClassCustom(DataClassTerm, metaclass=DataClassMeta):
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if len(args)>0:
            raise RuntimeError("Do not use positional arguments for initialization.")
        return super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)


class DataClassCustomA(DataClassCustom):
    field_A_1: int = dataclasses.field()
    field_A_2: ty.AnyStr = dataclasses.field(default=None)

class SomeOtherClass:
    def methodA(self):
        print('print from SomeOtherClass().methodA')

class DataClassCustomB(DataClassCustomA,SomeOtherClass):
    field_B_1: int = dataclasses.field()
    field_B_2: ty.Dict = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)


result_b = DataClassCustomB(field_A_1=1, field_B_1=2)

# DataClassCustomB(field_A_1=1, field_B_1=2, field_A_2=None, field_B_2={})

# print from SomeOtherClass().methodA

尝试在每个父类上使用@dataclass装饰器做同样的事情会在接下来的子类中引发一个异常,如TypeError(f'non-default argument <field-name)跟随默认参数')。上面的解决方案防止了这种情况的发生,因为字段首先被重新排序。然而,由于字段的顺序被修改了,在DataClassCustom中防止*args的使用。__new__是强制的,因为原来的顺序不再有效。

虽然在Python >=3.10中引入了kw_only特性,本质上使数据类中的继承更加可靠,但上面的示例仍然可以用作一种使数据类可继承的方法,而不需要使用@dataclass装饰器。

基于Martijn Pieters的解决方案,我做了以下工作:


from dataclasses import dataclass

no_default = object()

class NoDefaultAttributesPostInitMixin:

    def __post_init__(self):
        for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
            if value is no_default:
                raise TypeError(
                    f"__init__ missing 1 required argument: '{key}'"


from src.utils import no_default, NoDefaultAttributesChild

class MyDataclass(DataclassWithDefaults, NoDefaultAttributesPostInitMixin):
    attr1: str = no_default



from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import TypeVar, Generic, Union

T = TypeVar("T")

class NoDefault(Generic[T]):

NoDefaultVar = Union[NoDefault[T], T]
no_default: NoDefault = NoDefault()

class NoDefaultAttributesPostInitMixin:
    def __post_init__(self):
        for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
            if value is NoDefault:
                raise TypeError(f"__init__ missing 1 required argument: '{key}'")

class Parent(NoDefaultAttributesPostInitMixin):
    a: str = ""

class Child(Foo):
    b: NoDefaultVar[str] = no_default


import dataclasses

def _init_fn(fields, frozen, has_post_init, self_name):
    # fields contains both real fields and InitVar pseudo-fields.
    globals = {'MISSING': dataclasses.MISSING,
               '_HAS_DEFAULT_FACTORY': dataclasses._HAS_DEFAULT_FACTORY}

    body_lines = []
    for f in fields:
        line = dataclasses._field_init(f, frozen, globals, self_name)
        # line is None means that this field doesn't require
        # initialization (it's a pseudo-field).  Just skip it.
        if line:

    # Does this class have a post-init function?
    if has_post_init:
        params_str = ','.join(f.name for f in fields
                              if f._field_type is dataclasses._FIELD_INITVAR)

    # If no body lines, use 'pass'.
    if not body_lines:
        body_lines = ['pass']

    locals = {f'_type_{f.name}': f.type for f in fields}
    return dataclasses._create_fn('__init__',
                      [self_name, '*'] + [dataclasses._init_param(f) for f in fields if f.init],

def add_init(cls, frozen):
    fields = getattr(cls, dataclasses._FIELDS)

    # Does this class have a post-init function?
    has_post_init = hasattr(cls, dataclasses._POST_INIT_NAME)

    # Include InitVars and regular fields (so, not ClassVars).
    flds = [f for f in fields.values()
            if f._field_type in (dataclasses._FIELD, dataclasses._FIELD_INITVAR)]
    dataclasses._set_new_attribute(cls, '__init__',
                                # The name to use for the "self"
                                # param in __init__.  Use "self"
                                # if possible.
                                '__dataclass_self__' if 'self' in fields
                                else 'self',

    return cls

# a dataclass with a constructor that only takes keyword arguments
def dataclass_keyword_only(_cls=None, *, repr=True, eq=True, order=False,
              unsafe_hash=False, frozen=False):
    def wrap(cls):
        cls = dataclasses.dataclass(
            cls, init=False, repr=repr, eq=eq, order=order, unsafe_hash=unsafe_hash, frozen=frozen)
        return add_init(cls, frozen)

    # See if we're being called as @dataclass or @dataclass().
    if _cls is None:
        # We're called with parens.
        return wrap

    # We're called as @dataclass without parens.
    return wrap(_cls)

(也作为要点发布,用Python 3.6 backport测试)


class Child(Parent):
    school: str
    ugly: bool = True

并且会生成__init__(self, *, name:str, age:int, ugly:bool=True, school:str)(这是有效的python)。这里唯一的警告是不允许使用位置参数初始化对象,但除此之外,它是一个完全常规的数据类,没有丑陋的hack。


丑陋的:数据类。InitVar[bool]只是作为一个伪字段来帮助我们进行初始化,一旦创建实例就会丢失。而_ugly: bool = field(init=False)是一个实例成员,它不会通过__init__方法初始化,但也可以使用__post_init__方法初始化(你可以在这里找到更多)。

from dataclasses import dataclass, field, InitVar

class Parent:
    name: str
    age: int
    ugly: InitVar[bool]
    _ugly: bool = field(init=False)

    def __post_init__(self, ugly: bool):
        self._ugly = ugly

    def print_name(self):

    def print_age(self):

    def print_id(self):
        print(f'The Name is {self.name} and {self.name} is {self.age} year old')

class Child(Parent):
    school: str

jack = Parent('jack snr', 32, ugly=True)
jack_son = Child('jack jnr', 12, school='havard', ugly=True)



from dataclasses import dataclass, field, InitVar

class Parent:
    name: str
    age: int
    ugly: InitVar[bool]
    _ugly: bool = field(init=False)

    def __post_init__(self, ugly: bool):
        self._ugly = ugly
    def create(cls, ugly=True, **kwargs):
        return cls(ugly=ugly, **kwargs)

    def print_name(self):

    def print_age(self):

    def print_id(self):
        print(f'The Name is {self.name} and {self.name} is {self.age} year old')

class Child(Parent):
    school: str

jack = Parent.create(name='jack snr', age=32, ugly=False)
jack_son = Child.create(name='jack jnr', age=12, school='harvard')



补充使用attrs的Martijn Pieters解决方案:可以在没有默认属性复制的情况下创建继承,使用:

import attr

class Parent:
    name: str
    age: int
    ugly: bool = attr.ib(default=False, kw_only=True)

class Child(Parent):
    school: str
    ugly: bool = True
