import os
system_name = os.getenv('HOSTNAME')
Update: As noted in the comments, this doesn't always work, as not everyone's environment is set up this way. I believe that at the time I initially answered this I was using this solution as it was the first thing I'd found in a web search and it worked for me at the time. Due to the lack of portability I probably wouldn't use this now. However, I am leaving this answer for reference purposes. FWIW, it does eliminate the need for other imports if your environment has the system name and you are already importing the os module. Test it - if it doesn't work in all the environments in which you expect your program to operate, use one of the other solutions provided.
import os
system_name = os.getenv('HOSTNAME')
Update: As noted in the comments, this doesn't always work, as not everyone's environment is set up this way. I believe that at the time I initially answered this I was using this solution as it was the first thing I'd found in a web search and it worked for me at the time. Due to the lack of portability I probably wouldn't use this now. However, I am leaving this answer for reference purposes. FWIW, it does eliminate the need for other imports if your environment has the system name and you are already importing the os module. Test it - if it doesn't work in all the environments in which you expect your program to operate, use one of the other solutions provided.
我需要在PyLog conf文件中使用的PC的名称,并且套接字库不可用,但操作系统库可用。
os.getenv('COMPUTERNAME', 'defaultValue')
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import socket
print socket.getfqdn()
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