ps -ef |grep nohup
kill -9 1787 787
ps -ef |grep nohup
kill -9 1787 787
kill -9 `pgrep [command name]`
When using nohup and you put the task in the background, the background operator (&) will give you the PID at the command prompt. If your plan is to manually manage the process, you can save that PID and use it later to kill the process if needed, via kill PID or kill -9 PID (if you need to force kill). Alternatively, you can find the PID later on by ps -ef | grep "command name" and locate the PID from there. Note that nohup keyword/command itself does not appear in the ps output for the command in question.
nohup my_command > my.log 2>&1 &
echo $! > save_pid.txt
This will run my_command saving all output into my.log (in a script, $! represents the PID of the last process executed). The 2 is the file descriptor for standard error (stderr) and 2>&1 tells the shell to route standard error output to the standard output (file descriptor 1). It requires &1 so that the shell knows it's a file descriptor in that context instead of just a file named 1. The 2>&1 is needed to capture any error messages that normally are written to standard error into our my.log file (which is coming from standard output). See I/O Redirection for more details on handling I/O redirection with the shell.
如果该命令定期发送输出,您可以偶尔使用tail my.log检查输出,或者如果您希望“实时”跟踪它,则可以使用tail -f my.log。最后,如果你需要终止进程,你可以通过:
kill -9 `cat save_pid.txt`
rm save_pid.txt
当你在nohup中创建一个作业时,它会告诉你进程ID !
nohup sh test.sh &
kill 25013
nohup ruby script.rb &
ps -ef | grep ruby
ubuntu 25938 25742 0 05:16 pts/0 00:00:00 ruby test.rb
kill 25938
Using the STIME shown in ps -ef command. This shows the time you start your process, and it's very likely that you nohup you command just before you close ssh(depends on you) . Unfortunately I don't think the latest command is the command I run using nohup, so this doesn't work for me. Second is the PPID, also shown in ps -ef command. It means Parent Process ID, the ID of process that creates the process. The ppid is 1 in ubuntu for process that using nohup to run. Then you can use ps --ppid "1" to get the list, and check TIME(the total CPU time your process use) or CMD to find the process's PID. Use lsof -i:port if the process occupy some ports, and you will get the command. Then just like the answer above, use ps -ef | grep command and you will get the PID.
一旦找到进程的PID,就可以使用kill PID来终止进程。
nohup manage.py runserver <localhost:port>
:~ ns$netstat -ntlp
:~ ns$kill -9 PID