. net String。格式方法允许将字符串放置在固定长度的字符串中的固定位置。

"           String Goes Here"
"     String Goes Here      "
"String Goes Here           "






从Visual Studio 2015开始,你也可以使用Interpolated Strings(这是一个编译器的技巧,所以你的目标是哪个版本的。net框架并不重要)。

string value = "String goes here";
string txt1 = $"{value,20}";
string txt2 = $"{value,-20}";


这是VB。我创建的NET版本,受到Joel Coehoorn的回答、Oliver的编辑和shaunmartin的评论的启发:

Public Function PadCenter(ByVal [string] As String, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal c As Char) As String

    If [string] Is Nothing Then [string] = String.Empty
    If (width <= [string].Length) Then Return [string]

    Dim padding = width - [string].Length
    Return [string].PadLeft([string].Length + (padding \ 2), c).PadRight(width, c)

End Function

Public Function PadCenter(ByVal [string] As String, ByVal width As Integer) As String

    If [string] Is Nothing Then [string] = String.Empty
    If (width <= [string].Length) Then Return [string]

    Dim padding = width - [string].Length
    Return [string].PadLeft([string].Length + (padding \ 2)).PadRight(width)

End Function

This is set up as a string extension, inside a Public Module (the way you do Extensions in VB.NET, a bit different than C#). My slight change is that it treats a null string as an empty string, and it pads an empty string with the width value (meets my particular needs). Hopefully this will convert easily to C# for anyone who needs it. If there's a better way to reference the answers, edits, and comments I mentioned above, which inspired my post, please let me know and I'll do it - I'm relatively new to posting, and I couldn't figure out to leave a comment (might not have enough rep yet).


"String goes here".PadLeft(20,' ');
"String goes here".PadRight(20,' ');


int len = "String goes here".Length;
int whites = len /2;
"String goes here".PadRight(len + whites,' ').PadLeft(len + whites,' ');


public static class StringUtils
    public static string PadCenter(this string s, int width, char c)
        if (s == null || width <= s.Length) return s;

        int padding = width - s.Length;
        return s.PadLeft(s.Length + padding / 2, c).PadRight(width, c);

提醒自己:别忘了更新自己的简历:“有一天,我甚至修正了Joel Coehoorn的代码!”, - d哔叽


String.Format("{0,20}", "String goes here");
String.Format("{0,-20}", "String goes here");


string s = "String goes here";
string lineAlignedRight  = String.Format("{0,27}", s);
string lineAlignedCenter = String.Format("{0,-27}",
    String.Format("{0," + ((27 + s.Length) / 2).ToString() +  "}", s));
string lineAlignedLeft   = String.Format("{0,-27}", s);