. net String。格式方法允许将字符串放置在固定长度的字符串中的固定位置。
" String Goes Here" " String Goes Here " "String Goes Here "
. net String。格式方法允许将字符串放置在固定长度的字符串中的固定位置。
" String Goes Here" " String Goes Here " "String Goes Here "
Public Function StringCentering(ByVal s As String, ByVal desiredLength As Integer) As String
If s.Length >= desiredLength Then Return s
Dim firstpad As Integer = (s.Length + desiredLength) / 2
Return s.PadLeft(firstpad).PadRight(desiredLength)
End Function
StringCentering() takes two input values and it returns a formatted string. When length of s is greater than or equal to deisredLength, the function returns the original string. When length of s is smaller than desiredLength, it will be padded both ends. Due to character spacing is integer and there is no half-space, we can have an uneven split of space. In this implementation, the greater split goes to the leading end. The function requires .NET Framework due to PadLeft() and PadRight(). In the last line of the function, binding is from left to right, so firstpad is applied followed by the desiredLength pad.
public string StringCentering(string s, int desiredLength)
if (s.Length >= desiredLength) return s;
int firstpad = (s.Length + desiredLength) / 2;
return s.PadLeft(firstpad).PadRight(desiredLength);
Public Function StringCentering(ByVal s As String, ByVal desiredLength As Integer) As String
If s.Length >= desiredLength Then Return s
Dim firstpad As Integer = (s.Length + desiredLength) / 2
Return s.PadLeft(firstpad).PadRight(desiredLength)
End Function
StringCentering() takes two input values and it returns a formatted string. When length of s is greater than or equal to deisredLength, the function returns the original string. When length of s is smaller than desiredLength, it will be padded both ends. Due to character spacing is integer and there is no half-space, we can have an uneven split of space. In this implementation, the greater split goes to the leading end. The function requires .NET Framework due to PadLeft() and PadRight(). In the last line of the function, binding is from left to right, so firstpad is applied followed by the desiredLength pad.
public string StringCentering(string s, int desiredLength)
if (s.Length >= desiredLength) return s;
int firstpad = (s.Length + desiredLength) / 2;
return s.PadLeft(firstpad).PadRight(desiredLength);
Dim totallength As Integer = 100
Dim leftbuffer as Integer = 5
Dim mystring As String = "string goes here"
Dim Formatted_String as String = mystring.PadLeft(leftbuffer + mystring.Length, "-") + String.Empty.PadRight(totallength - (mystring.Length + leftbuffer), "-")
注意,如果mystring。Length + leftbuffer超过totallength
这是VB。我创建的NET版本,受到Joel Coehoorn的回答、Oliver的编辑和shaunmartin的评论的启发:
Public Function PadCenter(ByVal [string] As String, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal c As Char) As String
If [string] Is Nothing Then [string] = String.Empty
If (width <= [string].Length) Then Return [string]
Dim padding = width - [string].Length
Return [string].PadLeft([string].Length + (padding \ 2), c).PadRight(width, c)
End Function
Public Function PadCenter(ByVal [string] As String, ByVal width As Integer) As String
If [string] Is Nothing Then [string] = String.Empty
If (width <= [string].Length) Then Return [string]
Dim padding = width - [string].Length
Return [string].PadLeft([string].Length + (padding \ 2)).PadRight(width)
End Function
This is set up as a string extension, inside a Public Module (the way you do Extensions in VB.NET, a bit different than C#). My slight change is that it treats a null string as an empty string, and it pads an empty string with the width value (meets my particular needs). Hopefully this will convert easily to C# for anyone who needs it. If there's a better way to reference the answers, edits, and comments I mentioned above, which inspired my post, please let me know and I'll do it - I'm relatively new to posting, and I couldn't figure out to leave a comment (might not have enough rep yet).
从Visual Studio 2015开始,你也可以使用Interpolated Strings(这是一个编译器的技巧,所以你的目标是哪个版本的。net框架并不重要)。
string value = "String goes here";
string txt1 = $"{value,20}";
string txt2 = $"{value,-20}";
String.Format("{0,20}", "String goes here");
String.Format("{0,-20}", "String goes here");