Sidenote: Sending a Ping could be achieved in the same way that you would make any kind of two-way ajax request, but sending a ping to google, in this case, would pose some challenges. First, we'd have the same cross-domain issues that are typically encountered in making Ajax communications. One option is to set up a server-side proxy, wherein we actually ping google (or whatever site), and return the results of the ping to the app. This is a catch-22 because if the internet connection is actually the problem, we won't be able to get to the server, and if the connection problem is only on our own domain, we won't be able to tell the difference. Other cross-domain techniques could be tried, for example, embedding an iframe in your page which points to google.com, and then polling the iframe for success/failure (examine the contents, etc). Embedding an image may not really tell us anything, because we need a useful response from the communication mechanism in order to draw a good conclusion about what's going on. So again, determining the state of the internet connection as a whole may be more trouble than it's worth. You'll have to weight these options out for your specific app.
function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// typically only one of textStatus or errorThrown
// will have info
this; // the options for this ajax request
错误:一个函数被调用,如果请求 失败。函数被传递了3个 参数:XMLHttpRequest对象 描述错误类型的字符串 这是可选的 异常对象,如果发生。 第二个可能的值 参数(除null外)为"timeout", "error", "notmodified"和 “parsererror”。这是一个Ajax事件
type: "GET",
url: "keepalive.php",
success: function(msg){
alert("Connection active!")
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if(textStatus == 'timeout') {
alert('Connection seems dead!');
In Firefox: The property returns a boolean value, with true meaning online and false meaning offline but the caveat here is that "the value is only updated when the user follows links or when a script requests a remote page." Hence if the user goes offline and you query the property from a js function or script, the property will always return true until the user follows a link. In Chrome and Safari: If the browser is not able to connect to a local area network (LAN) or a router, it is offline; all other conditions return true. So while you can assume that the browser is offline when it returns a false value, you cannot assume that a true value necessarily means that the browser can access the internet. You could be getting false positives, such as in cases where the computer is running a virtualization software that has virtual ethernet adapters that are always "connected".
This involves making HTTP request to your own server resource and if reachable assume internet availability else the user is offline. There are some few caveats to this option.没有服务器可用性是100%依赖的,因此如果由于某种原因您的服务器不可达,它会错误地假设用户离线,而他们连接到互联网。 对同一资源的多个请求可以返回缓存的响应,这使得http响应结果不可靠。
// This fetches your website's favicon, so replace path with favicon url
// Notice the appended date param which helps prevent browser caching.
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok)
throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
// At this point we can safely assume the user has connection to the internet
console.log("Internet connection available");
.catch(error => {
// The resource could not be reached
console.log("No Internet connection", error);
We all know CORS is a thing.该选项包括向外部服务器资源发出HTTP请求,如果可以到达,则假设internet可用,否则用户处于脱机状态。主要的警告是跨来源的资源共享,这是一个限制。大多数信誉良好的网站会阻止CORS请求,但对一些网站来说,你可以随心所欲。
// Firstly you trigger a resource available from a reputable site
// For demo purpose you can use the favicon from MSN website
// Also notice the appended date param which helps skip browser caching.
.then(response => {
// Check if the response is successful
if (!response.ok)
throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
// At this point we can safely say the user has connection to the internet
console.log("Internet available");
.catch(error => {
// The resource could not be reached
console.log("No Internet connection", error);
尝试访问你自己服务器上的资源,因为这是你的用户环境(通常我使用网站的favicon,因为响应非常轻,它不经常更新)。 如果没有连接到资源,当你需要通知用户时,简单地说“连接错误”或“连接丢失”,而不是假设一个宽泛的“没有互联网连接”,这取决于许多因素。
几乎所有主流浏览器现在都支持window.navigator. online属性,以及相应的在线和离线窗口事件。运行以下代码片段来测试它:
console.log('Initially ' + (window.navigator.onLine ? 'on' : 'off') + 'line'); window.addEventListener('online', () => console.log('Became online')); window.addEventListener('offline', () => console.log('Became offline')); document.getElementById('statusCheck').addEventListener('click', () => console.log('window.navigator.onLine is ' + window.navigator.onLine)); <button id="statusCheck">Click to check the <tt>window.navigator.onLine</tt> property</button><br /><br /> Check the console below for results:
In Chrome and Safari, if the browser is not able to connect to a local area network (LAN) or a router, it is offline; all other conditions return true. So while you can assume that the browser is offline when it returns a false value, you cannot assume that a true value necessarily means that the browser can access the internet. You could be getting false positives, such as in cases where the computer is running a virtualization software that has virtual ethernet adapters that are always "connected." Therefore, if you really want to determine the online status of the browser, you should develop additional means for checking. In Firefox and Internet Explorer, switching the browser to offline mode sends a false value. Until Firefox 41, all other conditions return a true value; since Firefox 41, on OS X and Windows, the value will follow the actual network connectivity.
我最初打算把这篇文章作为格兰特·瓦格纳(Grant Wagner)的回答的更新,但这似乎太过编辑了,尤其是考虑到2014年的更新已经不是他的了。
type: "HEAD",
url: document.location.pathname + "?param=" + new Date(),
error: function() { return false; },
success: function() { return true; }
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