


The option Setting > Maven > Always update snapshots no longer works in IDEA 2022.2.2, probably because Maven 3 frowns upon it and IntelliJ seems to not have updated the IDE to make it function. A simple solution might be to be able to add maven -U clean install as a custom target to the Lifecycle list in the IDEA Maven tab, but if it is possible it is not clear how to do it (even after googling for days). A not as nice but viable solution would be to go into the Terminal tool of IDEA and typing maven -U clean install, but IDEA does not expose the maven command in its Terminal by default and again it is not clear how to configure it so that it would.


执行此命令 mvn -U clean install

要删除所有依赖项,只需删除本地maven repo: ~/。默认为M2文件夹。然后一个接一个地重建你的项目:

mvn clean
mvn package



按Ctrl+Shift+A找到动作,输入“reload”,会找到“reload All Maven Projects”。

在Mac上,使用⌘+ + a。

如果您使用IntelliJ,有四种独立的方法可以刷新maven存储库。 它们中的每一个都会刷新计算机上的另一个本地存储库,或者以不同的方式刷新它们。

1. mvn -U clean install
2. Ctrl+Shift+A - Reimport
3. Round arrows in the Maven window

4. Ctrl+Alt+S , go to Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Maven | Repositories -choose rep - update

