

执行此命令 mvn -U clean install


对于单独的模块:右键单击模块的pom.xml -> Reload as Maven项目。

对于IntelliJ IDEA 14.0

项目>[您的项目名称]>右键单击> Maven >重新导入


设置> Maven >始终更新快照


The option Setting > Maven > Always update snapshots no longer works in IDEA 2022.2.2, probably because Maven 3 frowns upon it and IntelliJ seems to not have updated the IDE to make it function. A simple solution might be to be able to add maven -U clean install as a custom target to the Lifecycle list in the IDEA Maven tab, but if it is possible it is not clear how to do it (even after googling for days). A not as nice but viable solution would be to go into the Terminal tool of IDEA and typing maven -U clean install, but IDEA does not expose the maven command in its Terminal by default and again it is not clear how to configure it so that it would.