例如,如果我要运行命令dir > test.txt,这将把输出重定向到一个名为test.txt的文件,而不显示结果。
例如,如果我要运行命令dir > test.txt,这将把输出重定向到一个名为test.txt的文件,而不显示结果。
A command is set as a variable, that can be used later throughout the code, to output to the command window and append to a log file, using set _Temp_Msg_Cmd= the command has escaped redirection using the carrot ^ character so that the commands are not evaluated initially A temporary file is created with a filename similar to the batch file being run called %~n0_temp.txt that uses command line parameter extension syntax %~n0 to get the name of the batch file. The output is appended to a separate log file %~n0_log.txt
输出和错误消息被发送到临时文件^> %~n0_temp.txt 2^>^&1 临时文件的内容是: 附加到日志文件^&类型%~n0_temp.txt ^>^> %~n0_log.txt 输出到命令窗口^&键入%~n0_temp.txt 删除带有该消息的临时文件^& del /Q /F %~n0_temp.txt
设置_Temp_Msg_Cmd = ^ > % ~ n0_temp.txt 2 ^ > ^ & 1 ^ & % ~型n0_temp.txt ^ > ^ > % ~ n0_log.txt ^ & % ~型n0_temp.txt ^ & del / Q / F % ~ n0_temp.txt
echo test message %_Temp_Msg_Cmd%
net使用M: /D /Y %_Temp_Msg_Cmd%
dir > a.txt | type a.txt
@echo off
set logfile=test.log
call :ExecuteAndTee dir C:\Program Files
Exit /B 0
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
echo Executing '%*'
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%* 2^>^&1') do (echo.%%a & echo.%%a>>%logfile%)
Exit /B 0
dir >_ && type _ && type _ > a.txt
ECHO Print line to screen and log to file. >_ && type _ && type _ >> logfile.txt
I know this is a very old topic, but in previous answers there is not a full implementation of a real time Tee written in Batch. My solution below is a Batch-JScript hybrid script that use the JScript section just to get the output from the piped command, but the processing of the data is done in the Batch section. This approach have the advantage that any Batch programmer may modify this program to fit specific needs. This program also correctly process the output of CLS command produced by other Batch files, that is, it clear the screen when CLS command output is detected.
@if (@CodeSection == @Batch) @then
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem APATee.bat: Asynchronous (real time) Tee program, Batch-JScript hybrid version
rem Antonio Perez Ayala
rem The advantage of this program is that the data management is written in Batch code,
rem so any Batch programmer may modify it to fit their own needs.
rem As an example of this feature, CLS command is correctly managed
if "%~1" equ "" (
echo Duplicate the Stdout output of a command in the screen and a disk file
echo anyCommand ^| APATee teeFile.txt [/A]
echo If /A switch is given, anyCommand output is *appended* to teeFile.txt
goto :EOF
if "%2" equ ":TeeProcess" goto TeeProcess
rem Get the output of CLS command
for /F %%a in ('cls') do set "cls=%%a"
rem If /A switch is not provided, delete the file that receives Tee output
if /I "%~2" neq "/A" if exist %1 del %1
rem Create the semaphore-signal file and start the asynchronous Tee process
echo X > Flag.out
if exist Flag.in del Flag.in
Cscript //nologo //E:JScript "%~F0" | "%~F0" %1 :TeeProcess
del Flag.out
goto :EOF
rem Wait for "Data Available" signal
if not exist Flag.in goto TeeProcess
rem Read the line sent by JScript section
set line=
set /P line=
rem Set "Data Read" acknowledgement
ren Flag.in Flag.out
rem Check for the standard "End Of piped File" mark
if "!line!" equ ":_EOF_:" exit /B
rem Correctly manage CLS command
if "!line:~0,1!" equ "!cls!" (
set "line=!line:~1!"
rem Duplicate the line in Stdout and the Tee output file
echo(!line!>> %1
goto TeeProcess
// JScript section
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
// Process all lines of Stdin
while ( ! WScript.Stdin.AtEndOfStream ) {
// Read the next line from Stdin
var line = WScript.Stdin.ReadLine();
// Wait for "Data Read" acknowledgement
while ( ! fso.FileExists("Flag.out") ) {
// Send the line to Batch section
// Set "Data Available" signal
fso.MoveFile("Flag.out", "Flag.in");
// Wait for last "Data Read" acknowledgement
while ( ! fso.FileExists("Flag.out") ) {
// Send the standard "End Of piped File" mark
fso.MoveFile("Flag.out", "Flag.in");
我刚刚找到了一种方法来使用perl作为替代,例如: CMD1 | perl -ne "print $_;打印STDERR $_;"2 >输出。三通