我有一个<input type="number">,我想将用户的输入限制为纯数字或带有小数点后最多2位的数字。



<input type="number" required name="price" min="0" value="0" step="any">


I had the same requirement but after checking all these answers I realized there is no inbuilt support to block users from typing a particular number of decimal points. step="0.01" is useful when validating the input for a decimal number but still it will not block users from typing any decimal. In my case, I wanted a solution which will prevent user from entering invalid decimal. So I created my own custom JavaScript function which will enforce user any decimal rule. There is a slight performance issue but for my scenario it is okay to have a very small delay to make sure that user is not typing invalid decimal places. It might be useful for someone who wanted to prevent user from typing invalid decimal value on the input.


function enforceNumberValidation(ele) { if ($(ele).data('decimal') != null) { // found valid rule for decimal var decimal = parseInt($(ele).data('decimal')) || 0; var val = $(ele).val(); if (decimal > 0) { var splitVal = val.split('.'); if (splitVal.length == 2 && splitVal[1].length > decimal) { // user entered invalid input $(ele).val(splitVal[0] + '.' + splitVal[1].substr(0, decimal)); } } else if (decimal == 0) { // do not allow decimal place var splitVal = val.split('.'); if (splitVal.length > 1) { // user entered invalid input $(ele).val(splitVal[0]); // always trim everything after '.' } } } } <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <input type="number" data-decimal="0" oninput="enforceNumberValidation(this)" placeholder="No decimal places" value="" /> <input type="number" data-decimal="2" oninput="enforceNumberValidation(this)" placeholder="2 decimal places" value="" /> <input type="number" data-decimal="5" oninput="enforceNumberValidation(this)" placeholder="5 decimal places" value="" />




<div><label>Amount $
    <input type="number" placeholder="0.00" required name="price" min="0" value="0" step="0.01" title="Currency" pattern="^\d+(?:\.\d{1,2})?$" onblur="



If you'd like to validate onblur, I believe giving the user a visual cue is also helpful like coloring the background red. If the user's browser doesn't support type="number" it will fallback to type="text". If the user's browser doesn't support the HTML5 pattern validation, my JavaScript snippet doesn't prevent the form from submitting, but it gives a visual cue. So for people with poor HTML5 support, and people trying to hack into the database with JavaScript disabled or forging HTTP Requests, you need to validate on the server again anyways. The point with validation on the front-end is for a better user experience. So as long as most of your users have a good experience, it's fine to rely on HTML5 features provided the code will still works and you can validate on the back-end.




myHTMLNumberInput.onchange = setTwoNumberDecimal;


<input type="number" onchange="setTwoNumberDecimal" min="0" max="10" step="0.25" value="0.00" />


function setTwoNumberDecimal(event) {
    this.value = parseFloat(this.value).toFixed(2);


toFixed(2); // 2 decimal places
toFixed(4); // 4 decimal places
toFixed(0); // integer


<input type="number" step="0.01" name="amount" placeholder="0.00">

HTML5 Input元素的默认Step值为Step ="1"。


<input type="number" step="0.01" class="form-control"  />


$( "#ELEMENTID" ).blur(function() {
    this.value = parseFloat(this.value).toFixed(2);