以下代码在Swift 1.2中编译:

class myClass {
    static func myMethod1() {
    class func myMethod2() {
    static var myVar1 = ""

func doSomething() {
    myClass.myVar1 = "abc"


如果我尝试定义另一个变量类var myVar2 = "",它会说:



(Xcode 6.3)



class A{
    class func classFunction(){
    static func staticFunction(){
    class func classFunctionToBeMakeFinalInImmediateSubclass(){

class B: A {
    override class func classFunction(){
    //Compile Error. Class method overrides a 'final' class method
    override static func staticFunction(){
    //Let's avoid the function called 'classFunctionToBeMakeFinalInImmediateSubclass' being overriden by subclasses
    /* First way of doing it
    override static func classFunctionToBeMakeFinalInImmediateSubclass(){
    // Second way of doing the same
    override final class func classFunctionToBeMakeFinalInImmediateSubclass(){
    //To use static or final class is choice of style.
    //As mipadi suggests I would use. static at super class. and final class to cut off further overrides by a subclass

class C: B{
    //Compile Error. Class method overrides a 'final' class method
    override static func classFunctionToBeMakeFinalInImmediateSubclass(){





class A{
    class func classFunction(){
    static func staticFunction(){
    class func classFunctionToBeMakeFinalInImmediateSubclass(){

class B: A {
    override class func classFunction(){
    //Compile Error. Class method overrides a 'final' class method
    override static func staticFunction(){
    //Let's avoid the function called 'classFunctionToBeMakeFinalInImmediateSubclass' being overriden by subclasses
    /* First way of doing it
    override static func classFunctionToBeMakeFinalInImmediateSubclass(){
    // Second way of doing the same
    override final class func classFunctionToBeMakeFinalInImmediateSubclass(){
    //To use static or final class is choice of style.
    //As mipadi suggests I would use. static at super class. and final class to cut off further overrides by a subclass

class C: B{
    //Compile Error. Class method overrides a 'final' class method
    override static func classFunctionToBeMakeFinalInImmediateSubclass(){


使用static关键字定义类型属性。对于类类型的计算类型属性,可以使用class关键字来允许子类重写超类的实现。 https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/LanguageGuide/Properties.html




计算属性 方法 可以被子类覆盖吗


计算属性和存储属性 方法 不能通过子类更改

protocol MyProtocol {
//    class var protocolClassVariable : Int { get }//ERROR: Class properties are only allowed within classes
    static var protocolStaticVariable : Int { get }
//    class func protocolClassFunc()//ERROR: Class methods are only allowed within classes
    static func protocolStaticFunc()

struct ValueTypeStruct: MyProtocol {
    //MyProtocol implementation begin
    static var protocolStaticVariable: Int = 1
    static func protocolStaticFunc() {
    //MyProtocol implementation end
//    class var classVariable = "classVariable"//ERROR: Class properties are only allowed within classes
    static var staticVariable = "staticVariable"

//    class func classFunc() {} //ERROR: Class methods are only allowed within classes
    static func staticFunc() {}

class ReferenceTypeClass: MyProtocol {
    //MyProtocol implementation begin
    static var protocolStaticVariable: Int = 2
    static func protocolStaticFunc() {
    //MyProtocol implementation end
    var variable = "variable"

//    class var classStoredPropertyVariable = "classVariable"//ERROR: Class stored properties not supported in classes

    class var classComputedPropertyVariable: Int {
        get {
            return 1

    static var staticStoredPropertyVariable = "staticVariable"

    static var staticComputedPropertyVariable: Int {
        get {
            return 1

    class func classFunc() {}
    static func staticFunc() {}

final class FinalSubReferenceTypeClass: ReferenceTypeClass {
    override class var classComputedPropertyVariable: Int {
        get {
            return 2
    override class func classFunc() {}

//class SubFinalSubReferenceTypeClass: FinalSubReferenceTypeClass {}// ERROR: Inheritance from a final class



除了你的帖子,如果你想声明一个类变量(就像你做的class var myVar2 = ""),你应该这样做:

class var myVar2: String {
    return "whatever you want"