还有另一个关于这个的帖子,我试过了。但有一个问题:如果你删除内容,文本区域不会缩小。我找不到任何方法将其缩小到正确的大小- clientHeight值返回为文本区域的完整大小,而不是它的内容。


function FitToContent(id, maxHeight)
   var text = id && id.style ? id : document.getElementById(id);
   if ( !text )

   var adjustedHeight = text.clientHeight;
   if ( !maxHeight || maxHeight > adjustedHeight )
      adjustedHeight = Math.max(text.scrollHeight, adjustedHeight);
      if ( maxHeight )
         adjustedHeight = Math.min(maxHeight, adjustedHeight);
      if ( adjustedHeight > text.clientHeight )
         text.style.height = adjustedHeight + "px";

window.onload = function() {
    document.getElementById("ta").onkeyup = function() {
      FitToContent( this, 500 )




这个版本的一个缺点是,它将继续无限增加它的宽度基于文本宽度。因此,你需要为文本区域设置一个max-width值。简单的max-width: 100%;也会有效果。这个宽度扩展特性主要基于type="text"的输入字段。你可以在这个答案中了解更多。

const textarea = document.querySelector('textarea'); setTextareaWidthHeight(textarea); textarea.addEventListener('input', setTextareaWidthHeight.bind(this, textarea)); function getInputWidth(element) { const text = element.value || element.placeholder; const elementStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element); const fontProperty = elementStyle.font; const horizontalBorder = parseFloat(elementStyle.borderLeftWidth) + parseFloat(elementStyle.borderRightWidth); const horizontalPadding = parseFloat(elementStyle.paddingLeft) + parseFloat(elementStyle.paddingRight); const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); const context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context.font = fontProperty; const textWidth = context.measureText(text).width; const totalWidth = horizontalBorder + horizontalPadding + textWidth + "px"; return totalWidth; } function setTextareaWidthHeight(element) { // store minimum and maximum rows attribute value that should be imposed const minRows = 1; const maxRows = 5; // store initial inline overflow property value in a variable for later reverting to original condition const initialInlineOverflowY = element.style.overflowY; // change overflow-y property value to hidden to overcome inconsistent width differences caused by any scrollbar width element.style.overflowY = 'hidden'; const totalWidth = getInputWidth(element); element.style.width = totalWidth; let rows = minRows; element.setAttribute("rows", rows); while (rows <= maxRows && element.scrollHeight !== element.clientHeight) { element.setAttribute("rows", rows); rows++; } // change overflow to its original condition if (initialInlineOverflowY) { element.style.overflowY = initialInlineOverflowY; } else { element.style.removeProperty("overflow-y"); } } textarea { max-width: 100%; } <textarea placeholder="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"></textarea>



In general you probably shouldn't really rely on scrollHeight on form controls. Apart from scrollHeight being traditionally less widely-supported than some of the other IE extensions, HTML/CSS says nothing about how form controls are implemented internally and you aren't guaranteed scrollHeight will be anything meaningful. (Traditionally some browsers have used OS widgets for the task, making CSS and DOM interaction on their internals impossible.) At least sniff for scrollHeight/clientHeight's existance before trying to enable the effect.



<div style="position: relative">
  <pre style="white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word"></pre>
  <textarea style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%"></textarea>


这样做的好处是框架提供了简单的工具来移动文本而不涉及任何事件。也就是说,在AngularJS中,你可以在textarea中添加ng-model="foo" ng-trim="false",在pre中添加ng-bind="foo + '\n'"。看小提琴。


以下是我在使用MVC HTML Helper for TextArea时所做的。我有相当多的textarea元素,所以必须使用模型Id来区分它们。

 @Html.TextAreaFor(m => m.Text, 2, 1, new { id = "text" + Model.Id, onkeyup = "resizeTextBox(" + Model.Id + ");" })


   function resizeTextBox(ID) {            
        var text = document.getElementById('text' + ID);
        text.style.height = 'auto';
        text.style.height = text.scrollHeight + 'px';            




function fitToContent(/* JQuery */text, /* Number */maxHeight) {
    var adjustedHeight = text.height();
    var relative_error = parseInt(text.attr('relative_error'));
    if (!maxHeight || maxHeight > adjustedHeight) {
        adjustedHeight = Math.max(text[0].scrollHeight, adjustedHeight);
        if (maxHeight)
            adjustedHeight = Math.min(maxHeight, adjustedHeight);
        if ((adjustedHeight - relative_error) > text.height()) {
            text.css('height', (adjustedHeight - relative_error) + "px");
            // chrome fix
            if (text[0].scrollHeight != adjustedHeight) {
                var relative = text[0].scrollHeight - adjustedHeight;
                if (relative_error != relative) {
                    text.attr('relative_error', relative + relative_error);

function autoResizeText(/* Number */maxHeight) {
    var resize = function() {
        fitToContent($(this), maxHeight);
    $("textarea").attr('relative_error', 0);

只需使用<pre> </pre>与一些风格,如:

    pre {
        font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        white-space: pre-wrap;
        word-wrap: break-word;
        font-size: 12px;
        line-height: 16px;