我知道我的答案很晚,我的答案并不完全是你想要的,但是,我认为一些坚实而简单的例子会很好。不管怎样,这段代码导致了调试和发布之间的巨大差异。代码是在Visual Studio 2019上用c++编写的。代码是这样的:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
unsigned long long fibonacci(int n)
return n < 2 ? n : (fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2));
int main()
int x = 47;
cout << "Calculating..." << endl;
cout << "fib(" << x << ") = " << fibonacci(x) << endl;
Debug Release
C++ x86 C++ x64 C++ x86 C++ x64 C# Debug C# Release
Time (mSeconds) 99384.9 27799.1 11066.0 11321.5 95233.7 24566.0
Time (Seconds) 99.4 27.8 11.1 11.3 95.2 24.6
You should never release a .NET Debug build into production. It may contain ugly code to support Edit-and-Continue or who knows what else. As far as I know, this happens only in VB not C# (note: the original post is tagged C#), but it should still give reason to pause as to what Microsoft thinks they are allowed to do with a Debug build. In fact, prior to .NET 4.0, VB code leaks memory proportional to the number of instances of objects with events that you construct in support of Edit-and-Continue. (Though this is reported to be fixed per https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/481671/vb-classes-with-events-are-not-garbage-collected-when-debugging, the generated code looks nasty, creating WeakReference objects and adding them to a static list while holding a lock) I certainly don't want any of this kind of debugging support in a production environment!