如果你仍然想检查你的cron作业,你应该提供一个有效的 在cPanel中设置Cron作业时使用电子邮件帐户。
grep CRON /var/log/syslog
如果你仍然想检查你的cron作业,你应该提供一个有效的 在cPanel中设置Cron作业时使用电子邮件帐户。
The logging BEFORE the program is executed, which only logs IF the cronjob TRIED to execute the command. That one is located in /var/log/syslog, as already mentioned by @Matthew Lock. The logging of errors AFTER the program tried to execute, which can be sent to an email or to a file, as mentioned by @Spliffster. I prefer logging to a file, because with email THEN you have a NEW source of problems, and its checking if email sending and reception is working perfectly. Sometimes it is, sometimes it's not. For example, in a simple common desktop machine in which you are not interested in configuring an smtp, sometimes you will prefer logging to a file: * * * * COMMAND_ABSOLUTE_PATH > /ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_LOG 2>&1 I would also consider checking the permissions of /ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_LOG, and run the command from that user's permissions. Just for verification, while you test whether it might be a potential source of problems. The logging of the program itself, with its own error-handling and logging for tracking purposes.
There are some common sources of problems with cronjobs: * The ABSOLUTE PATH of the binary to be executed. When you run it from your shell, it might work, but the cron process seems to use another environment, and hence it doesn't always find binaries if you don't use the absolute path. * The LIBRARIES used by a binary. It's more or less the same previous point, but make sure that, if simply putting the NAME of the command, is referring to exactly the binary which uses the very same library, or better, check if the binary you are referring with the absolute path is the very same you refer when you use the console directly. The binaries can be found using the locate command, for example:
$locate python
另一个常见的问题来源是cronjob中的语法。记住,有一些特殊字符可以用于列表(逗号)、定义范围(破折号-)、定义范围的增量(斜杠)等。来看看: http://www.softpanorama.org/Utilities/cron.shtml
* * * * * myjob.sh >> /var/log/myjob.log 2>&1
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