
Cannot copy TexteDll: The requested operation cannot be performed on a file 
with a user-mapped section open




我在用Ant构建Dot Net应用程序时看到了这些错误。

在我的例子中,它是我们公司的备份软件,赛门铁克DLO代理。停止它并排除我的杀毒软件中的目录并关闭Visual Studio似乎有效。


Sometimes when you double click on a warning about the referenced assembly version mismatch between two or more projects you forget to close the assembly view window and it stays there among other tabs... so you end up with the assembly being locked by VS itself and it took me quite a lot of time to figure that out :) Be careful with the power VS provides ;) Another dummy scenario. Sometimes simply deleting the whole obj folder or just the file warned as the locked one helps out with this crappy error.


发生在我把项目目标CPU从“任何CPU”改为“X64”,然后回到“任何CPU”之后。 通过删除Obj文件夹解决了这个问题(对于初学者:不要担心删除Obj文件夹,它将在下一次编译中重新创建)。

在我的情况下,仍然有VS2022 (devenv.exe)运行的“不可见”实例。它被列在任务管理器中,状态=挂起,但在任务栏或其他任何地方都看不到相应的窗口。在终止该进程之后,问题就解决了。

关闭visual studio,删除bin,调试发布文件夹,重新启动visual studio项目。 这解决了我的问题