
它返回-bash: .subl:命令未找到

有人知道如何在macOS的命令行打开Sublime Text 3吗?



# Open Sublime from current folder or specified folder
  /Applications/Sublime\ Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl ./$1


$ sublime


$ sublime path/to/the/file/to/open



这将允许您在终端中运行额外的命令,而不会中断子会话。使用这里的许多符号链接答案(ln -s),导致终端进程在使用Sublime文本时持续。如果你想要分离,在Bash配置文件中创建一个别名,如下所示:

Test subl from your ST installation: First, navigate to a folder in Terminal that you want ST to open and enter the following command: /Applications/Sublime\ Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl . NOTE: You may need to replace Sublime\ Text.app in the command above to Sublime\ Text\ 3.app or Sublime\ Text\ 2.app depending upon where the application is stored in your Applications directory. The . at the end of the above command opens the current working directory you are located in (again make sure you're in a directory that only contains a few files!). If you DO NOT get Sublime Text opening your current working directory then the next set of steps will NOT work. If nothing happens or you get an error from Terminal it will be because it couldn't find the Sublime Text application. This would mean that you would have to check what you've typed (spelling, etc.) OR that Sublime Text isn't installed! Check and update ".bash_profile": Now add the alias in your Bash Profile. Open it via vim ~/.bash_profile. These are the following lines that pertain to having subl work on the command line for Sublime Text: ## For Sublime Text 3 alias alias subl='/Applications/Sublime\ Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl' ## For Sublime Text global editor preference **Optional export EDITOR='subl -w' I suggest always commenting your code in here with ##. The second line is OPTIONAL and just sets Sublime Text as the default editor. The flag -w has been added and you can find out more about flags by going to the Sublime Text docs: ST3 subl or ST2 subl If you do make any edits to this file once you have closed it, you need to source this file in your current session or close the terminal (tab) and open a new one. You can source this file by running the command source ~/.bash_profile Resolve any errors before moving to the final step.



open /Applications/Sublime\ Text.app/

使用sublime text打开当前路径下的特定文件(或提供需要打开的文件的路径)

open -a /Applications/Sublime\ Text.app/ myFileToOpen.txt

通过引入一个名为“sublime”的新别名并使用它,使您的命令变得简短 A. open bash_profile: 纳米~ / . bash_profile B.复制这一行以创建别名并保存并重启终端 alias sublime="open -a /Applications/ sublime \ Text.app" apple.txt将以sublime文本打开(必要时提供文件路径) 崇高apple.txt

我想补充的是,如果你从Sublime Text 2升级,进入/usr/bin,先删除你的旧subl,然后再按照上面相同的指示。值得升级。


open 'path/file.txt' -a '/Applications/Sublime Text.app'


brew install Caskroom/cask/sublime-text