
<输入类型=“文件” />



// common function render_element(styles, el) { for (const [kk, vv] of Object.entries(styles)) { el.style[kk] = vv; } } function hoverOpacity(el) { el.addEventListener('mouseenter', function() { el.style.opacity = 0.75 }.bind(el)); el.addEventListener('mouseleave', function() { el.style.opacity = 1 }.bind(el)); } // return void event handler on setTimeout function buffer(func, time){ return e=>{ if(func.still)return; // first runtime if(!func.pft){ func(e); func.pft = true; func.still = false; return; } func.still = true; setTimeout(e=>{ func(e); func.still = false; }, time); } } // end of common const imageUploadButton = document.getElementById('image-upload-button'); imageUploadButton.addEventListener('click', e=>{ // pulse animation total time const d1 = document.getElementById('image-form'); let time = 600; if(d1.rendered){ d1.ready(); }else{ d1.ready = function(){ d1.style.display = 'flex'; d1.style.background = '#c5edd0'; this.d2.style.background = '#b4dbbf'; this.d3.style.background = '#95dea9'; this.d4.innerHTML = 'Drag and Drop or Click Above to Upload'; } let dismiss_btn = document.createElement('div'); render_element({ position: 'absolute', height: '30px', width: '30px', top: '0', right: '0', background: '#fff', borderRadius: '30px', cursor: 'pointer', margin: '2px', zIndex: '10', }, dismiss_btn); dismiss_btn.addEventListener('mouseenter', function(){this.style.background = '#fc4f30'}); dismiss_btn.addEventListener('mouseleave', function(){this.style.background = '#fff'}); dismiss_btn.addEventListener('click', ()=>{d1.style.display = 'none'}); d1.appendChild(dismiss_btn); const d3 = d1.querySelector('#image-input'); const d5 = d1.querySelector('#image-submit'); d5.style.visibility = 'hidden'; d1.parentNode.removeChild(d1); document.body.appendChild(d1); d1.removeChild(d3); let [ d2, d4, ] = Array.from({length: 3}, ()=>document.createElement('div')); let width = window.innerWidth; let d_styles = { display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', }; render_element({ position: 'fixed', left: ((width - 430) / 2).toString() + 'px', width: '430px', top: '60px', height: '280px', zIndex: '10', }, d1); render_element(d_styles, d1); render_element({ width: '90%', height: '90%', }, d2); render_element(d_styles, d2); render_element({ width: '80%', height: '70%', fontSize: '0', cursor: 'pointer', }, d3); hoverOpacity(d3); render_element(d_styles, d3); d1.appendChild(d2); d2.appendChild(d3); let tt = time / 3; let ht = tt / 2; d1.addEventListener('dragover', buffer(e=>{ d1.style.background = '#ebf9f0'; setTimeout(()=>{ d1.style.background = '#95dea9'; }, ht); setTimeout(()=>{ d2.style.background = '#b6e3c2'; setTimeout(()=>{ d2.style.background = '#c4eed2'; }, ht); }, tt); setTimeout(()=>{ d3.style.background = '#cae3d1'; setTimeout(()=>{ d3.style.background = '#9ce2b4'; }, ht); }, tt); }, time)); d2.style.flexDirection = 'column'; render_element({ fontSize: '16px', textAlign: 'center', fontFamily: 'Verdana', }, d4); d2.appendChild(d4); d3.addEventListener('change', e=>{ // backend // d5.click(); // if backend succeed, run frontend setTimeout(()=>{ d1.style.background = '#dbcea2'; setTimeout(()=>{ d2.style.background = '#dbc169'; setTimeout(()=>{ d3.style.background = '#ebc034'; }, ht); }, tt); }, time); // display backend path here // now only display filename d4.innerHTML = d3.files[0].name; }); d1.d2 = d2; d1.d3 = d3; d1.d4 = d4; d1.ready(); d1.rendered = true; } }); #image-upload-button{ width: 200px; height: 40px; background: lightgrey; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; cursor: pointer; } #image-form{ display: none; } ::-webkit-file-upload-button { visibility: hidden; } <div id="image-upload-button">Upload Image <form id="image-form" action="post"> <input id="image-input" type="file" /> <button id="image-submit" type="submit"></button> </form> </div>




<div id="image_icon"></div>
<div id="filename"></div>
<input id="the_real_file_input" name="foobar" type="file">

当你准备好时,一定要在输入上设置样式:不透明度:0 你不能设置display: none,因为它需要是可点击的。但是你可以把它放在“new”按钮下面,或者如果你喜欢的话,把它塞进z-index的其他东西下面。


$('#image_icon').click(function() {


$('input[type=file]').bind('change', function() {
    var str = "";
    str = $(this).val();




有两个“假”元素(一个文本输入/链接)作为你的真实文件输入的兄弟。绝对放置它们,让它们完全在你的目标区域上方。 用div包装你的文件输入。将overflow设置为hidden(这样文件输入就不会溢出来),并使它恰好是你想要的目标区域的大小。 在文件输入上设置不透明度为0,这样它就被隐藏了,但仍然可以点击。给它一个大的字体大小,这样你就可以点击目标区域的所有部分。

下面是jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/gwwar/nFLKU/

    <input id="faux" type="text" placeholder="Upload a file from your computer" />
    <a href="#" id="browse">Browse </a>
    <div id="wrapper">
        <input id="input" size="100" type="file" />



<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">

    button {
        width            : 160px;
        height           : 30px;
        font-size        : 13px;
        border           : none;
        text-align       : center;
        background-color : #444;
        color            : #6f0;
    button:active {
        background-color : #779;

<button id="upload">Styled upload button!</button>


function Upload_On_Click(id, handler) {
    var hidden_input = null;
    document.getElementById(id).onclick = function() {hidden_input.click();}
    function setup_hidden_input() {
        hidden_input && hidden_input.parentNode.removeChild(hidden_input);
        hidden_input = document.createElement("input");
        hidden_input.setAttribute("type", "file");
        hidden_input.style.visibility = "hidden";
        hidden_input.onchange = function() {

Upload_On_Click("upload", function(file) {
    console.log("GOT FILE: " + file.name);



最好的方法是使用伪元素:after或:before作为显化de input的元素。然后按照您的意愿设置该伪元素的样式。我建议你为所有输入文件做一个通用的样式,如下所示:

input {
  height: 0px;
  outline: none;

input[type="file"]:before {
  content: "Browse";
  background: #fff;
  width: 100%;
  height: 35px;
  display: block;
  text-align: left;
  position: relative;
  margin: 0;
  margin: 0 5px;
  left: -6px;
  border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
  top: -1px;
  line-height: 35px;
  color: #b6b6b6;
  padding-left: 5px;
  display: block;




this would be the markup: <label for="attach-project-file"> <span id="remove-project-file" class="close">x</span> <div class="filename" id="attached-project-file">Click to select a file</div> </label> <input id="attach-project-file" type="file"> hide the input in a hacky way like this: #attach-project-file { width: 0.1px; height: 0.1px; opacity: 0; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; z-index: -1; } style the corresponding label instead [for="attach-project-file"] { /* your styles here */ } style "remove file" button .close { font-size: 16px; padding: 10px; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; cursor: pointer; font-style: normal; } .filename element will be used to display the selected file below is the commented JS code needed (using jQuery) to make it work: var $attach = $('#attach-project-file'), $remove = $('#remove-project-file'), $name = $('#attached-project-file'); // initially hide the remove button $remove.hide(); // do this when file input has changed // i.e.: a file has been selected $attach.on('change', function() { var val = $(this).val(); if (val !== '') { // if value different than empty // show the file name as text // hide/text/fadeIn creates a nice effect when changing the text $name .hide() .text(val) .fadeIn(); // show the remove button $remove.fadeIn(); } else { // if value empty, means the file has been removed // show the default text $name .hide() .text('Click to select a file') .fadeIn(); // hide remove button $remove.fadeOut(); } }); // remove selected file when clicking the remove button // prevent click bubbling to the parent label and triggering file selection $remove.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $attach .val('') .change(); // trigger change event });