What forces layout / reflow
All of the below properties or methods, when requested/called in
JavaScript, will trigger the browser to synchronously calculate the
style and layout*. This is also called reflow or layout
and is common performance bottleneck.
Box metrics
elem.offsetLeft, elem.offsetTop, elem.offsetWidth, elem.offsetHeight, elem.offsetParent
elem.clientLeft, elem.clientTop, elem.clientWidth, elem.clientHeight
elem.getClientRects(), elem.getBoundingClientRect()
Scroll stuff
elem.scrollBy(), elem.scrollTo()
elem.scrollIntoView(), elem.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded()
elem.scrollWidth, elem.scrollHeight
elem.scrollLeft, elem.scrollTop also, setting them
elem.focus() can trigger a double forced layout (source)
elem.computedRole, elem.computedName
elem.innerText (source)
window.getComputedStyle() will typically force style recalc
window.getComputedStyle() will force layout, as well, if any of the
following is true:
The element is in a shadow tree
There are media queries (viewport-related ones). Specifically, one of the following:
(source) * min-width, min-height, max-width, max-height, width, height * aspect-ratio, min-aspect-ratio, max-aspect-ratio
device-pixel-ratio, resolution, orientation
The property requested is one of the following: (source)
height, width * top, right, bottom, left * margin [-top, -right, -bottom, -left, or shorthand] only if the
margin is fixed. * padding [-top, -right, -bottom, -left,
or shorthand] only if the padding is fixed. * transform,
transform-origin, perspective-origin * translate, rotate,
scale * webkit-filter, backdrop-filter * motion-path,
motion-offset, motion-rotation * x, y, rx, ry
window.scrollX, window.scrollY
window.innerHeight, window.innerWidth
window.getMatchedCSSRules() only forces style
inputElem.select(), textareaElem.select() (source)
Mouse events
mouseEvt.layerX, mouseEvt.layerY, mouseEvt.offsetX, mouseEvt.offsetY
doc.scrollingElement only forces style
range.getClientRects(), range.getBoundingClientRect()
Quite a lot; haven't made an exhaustive list , but Tony Gentilcore's 2011 Layout Triggering
pointed to a few.
Lots & lots of stuff, …including copying an image to clipboard (source)
编辑:谷歌还有一篇关于如何在PageSpeed Insight上最小化布局回流的文章。它解释了什么是浏览器回流:
Reflow is the name of the web browser process for re-calculating the
positions and geometries of elements in the document, for the purpose
of re-rendering part or all of the document. Because reflow is a
user-blocking operation in the browser, it is useful for developers to
understand how to improve reflow time and also to understand the
effects of various document properties (DOM depth, CSS rule
efficiency, different types of style changes) on reflow time.
Sometimes reflowing a single element in the document may require
reflowing its parent elements and also any elements which follow it.
Reduce unnecessary DOM depth. Changes at one level in the DOM tree
can cause changes at every level of the tree - all the way up to the
root, and all the way down into the children of the modified node.
This leads to more time being spent performing reflow.
Minimize CSS rules, and remove unused CSS rules.
If you make complex rendering changes such as animations, do so out of the flow. Use position-absolute or position-fixed to accomplish
Avoid unnecessary complex CSS selectors - descendant selectors in
particular - which require more CPU power to do selector matching.