我用新的SDK工具更新了Eclipse (rev. 23),但现在当Eclipse启动时,我收到了错误:

此Android SDK要求Android Developer Toolkit版本23.0.0或以上。当前版本为22.6.3.v201404151837-1123206。请更新ADT到最新版本


Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
Software being installed: Android Development Tools (com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.feature.feature.group
Software currently installed: Android Developer Tools 22.2.1.v201309180102-833290 (com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.package.product 22.2.1.v201309180102-833290)
Only one of the following can be installed at once: 
    ADT Package 22.6.3.v201404151837-1123206 (com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.package 22.6.3.v201404151837-1123206)
    ADT Package (com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.package
Cannot satisfy dependency:
    From: Android Development Tools (com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.feature.feature.group
    To: com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.package []
Cannot satisfy dependency:
    From: Android Development Tools 22.6.3.v201404151837-1123206 (com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.feature.group 22.6.3.v201404151837-1123206)
    To: com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.package [22.6.3.v201404151837-1123206]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
    From: ADT Package 22.2.1.v201309180102-833290 (com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.package.feature.group 22.2.1.v201309180102-833290)
    To: com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.feature.group 22.2.0
Cannot satisfy dependency:
    From: Android Developer Tools 22.2.1.v201309180102-833290 (com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.package.product 22.2.1.v201309180102-833290)
    To: com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.package.feature.group [22.2.1.v201309180102-833290]


没有安装SDK Tools rev. 23 proguard,文件夹SDK dir/ Tools /proguard丢失,其他工具也丢失。这个版本包含几个错误。




http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r22.6.2-linux.tgz http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r22.6.2-windows.zip http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r22.6.2-macosx.zip


工具/ hprof-conv 工具/支持/ annotations.jar 工具/混淆器



Linux 64位虚拟机:http://dl.google.com/android/adt/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20140702.zip Linux 32位虚拟机:http://dl.google.com/android/adt/adt-bundle-linux-x86-20140702.zip 麦克:http://dl.google.com/android/adt/adt - bundle - mac - x86_64 - 20140702. - zip win32: http://dl.google.com/android/adt/adt - bundle - windows - x86 - 20140702. - zip win64: http://dl.google.com/android/adt/adt - bundle - windows - x86_64 - 20140702. - zip

不要尝试从以前的版本升级,因为它根本不能工作。 如果你有zipalign的问题,它现在在构建工具下,不再在工具/下,所以你可以做一个符号链接或只是复制到期望的文件夹。


我遵循了这里找到的说明,并试图修复我的旧Eclipse + SDK + ADT,但没有运气。基本问题是一样的;我仍然得到错误消息:

此Android SDK要求Android Developer Toolkit版本23.0.0或以上。当前版本为22.6.3.v201404151837-1123206。请更新ADT到最新版本

但是我的eclipse找不到更新,也不能将ADT 23作为新软件安装。所以我不能在我的工作区编译我的旧项目。

I tested a fresh eclipode bundle for Windows 8, followed instructions found from Android's developers page, step by step, and it worked fine. So it seems that the Windows Eclipse build is not broken. But I wan't use my Linux installation, my old Ubuntu 10. It seems obvious, that to getting the Linux Eclipse environment working again, I must install a new Eclipse bundle, my old Eclipse won't ever see updates for ADT 23 to get things working. Again, these intructions are for Linux developers that wan't to get their old workspace projects working again without changes in the developing environment, except you must install a new Eclipse bundle, but after that your projects will work as well as before the version 23 SDK/ADT-mess.

If you are an Android developer you want to be sure, that you developing environment won't be messed up. Backup: ~./android (Here are your developer keys) Your old SDK dirrectory Your workspace Download the Eclipse bundle, Get the Android SDK. Follow instructions, create directory ~/Development and unzip bundle there. You get Eclipse and SDK directories. Start Eclipse from that directory Eclipse asks for a workspace. You can give it the old one. In Eclipse settings set SDK as downloaded SDK. Start Android SDK manager and download tools, Android versions you use and extras said in the Android developer tool page instructions You should now be ready to compile your old projects again, but for me it was not that simple. My old projects had errors. So open problems windows and you get to know that annotation.jar is missing. So you must copy annotations.jar from your old SDK, from, the backup you made, or from the older sdk.zip explained in this thread to <new SDK>/tools/support/annotations.jar


谷歌发布了ADT v23.0.2。这解决了之前ADT版本23的许多问题。


菜单帮助→安装新软件… 对于“Work with”,选择Android源代码https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse 勾选ADT v23.0进行安装,然后点击“下一步” Eclipse将显示“安装修复页面”,因为与以前的版本有冲突。(如果没有,请参见下文。)选择“更新我的安装使其与正在安装的项目兼容”以卸载旧版本并安装新版本。之后,按照通常的步骤进行。



我找到了解决“冲突依赖”问题的方法。我没有Daniel Díaz回应的相同页面,但一个页面显示“冲突的依赖关系”,我不能做任何事情。

问题是我不是文件的所有者。Eclipse安装在其他会话中(OS X),我有读写Eclipse文件的权限,但我不是所有者。在所有Eclipse文件上执行“chown”命令来解决这个问题。之后,我的结果和丹尼尔·迪亚兹一样。




进入菜单帮助→关于Eclipse→安装详细信息。 选择ADT插件,然后单击Uninstall。 卸载后从帮助→安装新软件安装ADT。

完美的答案是。输入下面的路径,复制它们 Macintosh HD应用程序adt-bundle-mac sdk platform-tools 然后解析回到Macintosh HD应用程序adt-bundle-mac sdk tools, 最后,编辑文件Macintosh HD adt-bundle-mac sdk tools plugin。道具,例如plugin.version=21.0.0。 重新启动eclipse。一切都很好。