


到目前为止,我已经查看了提供的链接,但仍然一无所获。他们提到了命令行;是Windows命令行还是Git Bash?因为我不能让他们做任何事。

我也尝试使用Git GUI,但是当我选择我想要的文件夹时,它说它不是Git存储库…需要拉上拉链吗?我尝试在文件夹中添加.gitconfig文件,但没有什么不同。




Open the cmd (you can do with git bash as well if you've installed git bash). Go to your project directory (where your project is located, it's essentially changing to directory either usiing cd path or through manual folder navigation). Now type git init. This will initialize an empty repository if it is first time and Enter. For example: git init Now type git add <filename>(if specific file) or git add <filename1> <filename2> <filenameN> (if specific but more than one files) or git add . (if you want to add all files) and enter. Now type git commit -m "commit message goes here" and enter. (in case if you need to check the status you can do by typing git status) and enter. Now type git remote add origin git_repository_url (check git remote -v go check remote repository) and Enter. Now it's turn to push it to the remote repository [essentially taking all the changes from local git to cloud(github) ...git push origin master and enter (if you get error you push it forcefully by typing ...git push -f origin master and enter.






安装完成后,打开Git Bash。


继续,输入cd ~以确保您在主目录中。您可以通过输入pwd来检查您所在的地址;


登录后,在右上角点击+,选择“New Repository”

然后在打开的窗口中,在“repository name”框中键入您希望拥有的存储库名称。如果你喜欢,添加“描述(可选)”,并标记“用README初始化这个存储库”。然后点击“创建存储库”。

现在去你的C盘;创建新文件夹git。现在转到“Git Bash”窗口;将目录更改为c驱动器,输入CD ~;cd / c。 如果你在那里输入ls,它会显示那里的文件夹。确保它显示了Git文件夹:


现在回到Git Bash。使用cd git命令进入git文件夹;现在写以下命令连接到你的GitHub(输入用户名和密码时,它要求你):

git config --global user.name "Your Name"

然后是:git config——global user。电子邮件youremail@domain.com。

下一种类型:git克隆(URL),而不是(URL),键入你从你的GitHub页面复制的GitHub存储库的地址;(例如,git clone https://github.com/isalirezag/Test.git)。


现在使用cd命令转到存储库:cd Test





转到添加 。

然后输入:git commit -m "adding files"。然后:git push -u origin master。



List item Open Git Bash Go to the directory where you have the code base (project location) cd to project location cd ////** Then here you need to execute Git commands. git init Press Enter then you will see something like this below. The initialized empty Git repository in ://****/***/.git/, so git init will initialize the empty Git repository at local git add . Press Enter The above command will add all the directories, subdirectories, files, etc. You will see something like this: warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in **************. The file will have its original line endings in your working directory. git commit -m "first commit" Press Enter. -m provided option for adding comment. It will commit the code to the stage environment. You will see some thing like this: [master (root-commit) 34a28f6] adding ******** warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in c*******. The file will have its original line endings in your working directory. 27 files changed, 3724 insertions(+) create mode 100644 ***** create mode 100644 ***** create mode 100644 ***** git remote add origin http://username@git:repopath.git Press Enter. This will add to the repository. git push -u origin master Press Enter. This will upload all from local to repository in this step you need to enter password for the repository where you will be uploading the code. You will see some thing like this below: Counting objects: 33, done. Delta compression using up to 12 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (32/32), done. Writing objects: 100% (33/33), 20.10 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done. Total 33 (delta 14), reused 0 (delta 0) To http://username@git:repolocation.git \ [new branch] master -> master Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin.

也许你能做的最有用的事情就是阅读在线书籍Pro Git。这是一本相当不错的读物,它为你提供了正确执行事情的概念背景。

git push --force origin master



git init Git添加。 添加我所有的文件 Git远程添加origin https://github.com/yourusername/your-repo-name.git


Git拉源主 Git push origin master

如果在推送过程中出现任何问题,请使用git push——force origin master。