


Exception e = new Exception();






class NoStackException extends Exception{
    public NoStackException() {


public class ExceptionBenchmark {

    private static final int NUM_TRIES = 100000;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        long throwCatchTime = 0, newExceptionTime = 0, newObjectTime = 0, noStackExceptionTime = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
            throwCatchTime += throwCatchLoop();
            newExceptionTime += newExceptionLoop();
            newObjectTime += newObjectLoop();
            noStackExceptionTime += newNoStackExceptionLoop();

        System.out.println("throwCatchTime = " + throwCatchTime / 30);
        System.out.println("newExceptionTime = " + newExceptionTime / 30);
        System.out.println("newStringTime = " + newObjectTime / 30);
        System.out.println("noStackExceptionTime = " + noStackExceptionTime / 30);


    private static long throwCatchLoop() {
        Exception ex = new Exception(); //Instantiated here
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TRIES; i++) {
            try {
                throw ex; //repeatedly thrown
            } catch (Exception e) {

                // do nothing
        long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
        return stop - start;

    private static long newExceptionLoop() {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TRIES; i++) {
            Exception e = new Exception();
        long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
        return stop - start;

    private static long newObjectLoop() {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TRIES; i++) {
            Object o = new Object();
        long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
        return stop - start;

    private static long newNoStackExceptionLoop() {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TRIES; i++) {
            NoStackException e = new NoStackException();
        long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
        return stop - start;



throwCatchTime = 19
newExceptionTime = 77
newObjectTime = 3
noStackExceptionTime = 15





当前版本的Java尝试优化堆栈跟踪的创建。调用本机代码来填充堆栈跟踪,堆栈跟踪以较轻的本机结构记录跟踪。只有在调用getStackTrace()、printStackTrace()或其他需要跟踪的方法时,才会从该记录惰性地创建相应的Java StackTraceElement对象。





现在抛出一个异常呢? 事实上,这取决于在哪里捕获抛出的异常。



我可以通过适当的基准测试来证实上述陈述,但幸运的是,我不需要这样做,因为HotSpot的性能工程师Alexey Shipilev的帖子已经完美地涵盖了所有方面:Lil' Exception的出色性能。


除了添加重复抛出一个Exception实例的情况外,我还关闭了编译器优化,以便获得准确的性能结果。我在VM参数中添加了-Djava.compiler=NONE,就像这个答案一样。(在eclipse中,编辑Run Configuration→Arguments来设置VM参数)


new Exception + throw/catch = 643.5
new Exception only          = 510.7
throw/catch only            = 115.2
new String (benchmark)      = 669.8



new Exception + throw/catch = 382.6
new Exception only          = 379.5
throw/catch only            = 0.3
new String (benchmark)      = 15.6


public class ExceptionPerformanceTest {

    private static final int NUM_TRIES = 1000000;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        double numIterations = 10;

        long exceptionPlusCatchTime = 0, excepTime = 0, strTime = 0, throwTime = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) {
            exceptionPlusCatchTime += exceptionPlusCatchBlock();
            excepTime += createException();
            throwTime += catchBlock();
            strTime += createString();

        System.out.println("new Exception + throw/catch = " + exceptionPlusCatchTime / numIterations);
        System.out.println("new Exception only          = " + excepTime / numIterations);
        System.out.println("throw/catch only            = " + throwTime / numIterations);
        System.out.println("new String (benchmark)      = " + strTime / numIterations);


    private static long exceptionPlusCatchBlock() {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TRIES; i++) {
            try {
                throw new Exception();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // do nothing
        long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
        return stop - start;

    private static long createException() {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TRIES; i++) {
            Exception e = new Exception();
        long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
        return stop - start;

    private static long createString() {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TRIES; i++) {
            Object o = new String("" + i);
        long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
        return stop - start;

    private static long catchBlock() {
        Exception ex = new Exception(); //Instantiated here
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TRIES; i++) {
            try {
                throw ex; //repeatedly thrown
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // do nothing
        long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
        return stop - start;





Time to create million String objects: 41.41 (ms)
Time to create million JavaException objects with    stack: 608.89 (ms)
Time to create million JavaException objects without stack: 43.50 (ms)


|Depth| WriteStack(ms)| !WriteStack(ms)| Diff(%)|
|   16|           1428|             243| 588 (%)|
|   15|           1763|             393| 449 (%)|
|   14|           1746|             390| 448 (%)|
|   13|           1703|             384| 443 (%)|
|   12|           1697|             391| 434 (%)|
|   11|           1707|             410| 416 (%)|
|   10|           1226|             197| 622 (%)|
|    9|           1242|             206| 603 (%)|
|    8|           1251|             207| 604 (%)|
|    7|           1213|             208| 583 (%)|
|    6|           1164|             206| 565 (%)|
|    5|           1134|             205| 553 (%)|
|    4|           1106|             203| 545 (%)|
|    3|           1043|             192| 543 (%)| 



当我们关闭堆栈时,跟踪对象创建所占的比例要小得多 分数即20%和堆栈展开现在占80%的时间。


public class JavaException extends Exception {
  JavaException(String reason, int mode) {
    super(reason, null, false, false);
  JavaException(String reason) {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int iterations = 1000000;
    long create_time_with    = 0;
    long create_time_without = 0;
    long create_string = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
      long start = System.nanoTime();
      JavaException jex = new JavaException("testing");
      long stop  =  System.nanoTime();
      create_time_with += stop - start;

      start = System.nanoTime();
      JavaException jex2 = new JavaException("testing", 1);
      stop = System.nanoTime();
      create_time_without += stop - start;

      start = System.nanoTime();
      String str = new String("testing");
      stop = System.nanoTime();
      create_string += stop - start;

    double interval_with    = ((double)create_time_with)/1000000;
    double interval_without = ((double)create_time_without)/1000000;
    double interval_string  = ((double)create_string)/1000000;

    System.out.printf("Time to create %d String objects: %.2f (ms)\n", iterations, interval_string);
    System.out.printf("Time to create %d JavaException objects with    stack: %.2f (ms)\n", iterations, interval_with);
    System.out.printf("Time to create %d JavaException objects without stack: %.2f (ms)\n", iterations, interval_without);

    JavaException jex = new JavaException("testing");
    int depth = 14;
    int i = depth;
    double[] with_stack    = new double[20];
    double[] without_stack = new double[20];

    for(; i > 0 ; --i) {
      without_stack[i] = jex.timerLoop(i, iterations, 0)/1000000;
      with_stack[i]    = jex.timerLoop(i, iterations, 1)/1000000;
    i = depth;
    System.out.printf("|Depth| WriteStack(ms)| !WriteStack(ms)| Diff(%%)|\n");
    for(; i > 0 ; --i) {
      double ratio = (with_stack[i] / (double) without_stack[i]) * 100;
      System.out.printf("|%5d| %14.0f| %15.0f| %2.0f (%%)| \n", i + 2, with_stack[i] , without_stack[i], ratio);
      //System.out.printf("%d\t%.2f (ms)\n", i, ratio);
 private int thrower(int i, int mode) throws JavaException {
    ExArg.time_start[i] = System.nanoTime();
    if(mode == 0) { throw new JavaException("without stack", 1); }
    throw new JavaException("with stack");
  private int catcher1(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{
    return this.stack_of_calls(i, mode);
  private long timerLoop(int depth, int iterations, int mode) {
    for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
      try {
        this.catcher1(depth, mode);
      } catch (JavaException e) {
        ExArg.time_accum[depth] += (System.nanoTime() - ExArg.time_start[depth]);
    //long stop = System.nanoTime();
    return ExArg.time_accum[depth];

  private int bad_method14(int i, int mode) throws JavaException  {
    if(i > 0) { this.thrower(i, mode); }
    return i;
  private int bad_method13(int i, int mode) throws JavaException  {
    if(i == 13) { this.thrower(i, mode); }
    return bad_method14(i,mode);
  private int bad_method12(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{
    if(i == 12) { this.thrower(i, mode); }
    return bad_method13(i,mode);
  private int bad_method11(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{
    if(i == 11) { this.thrower(i, mode); }
    return bad_method12(i,mode);
  private int bad_method10(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{
    if(i == 10) { this.thrower(i, mode); }
    return bad_method11(i,mode);
  private int bad_method9(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{
    if(i == 9) { this.thrower(i, mode); }
    return bad_method10(i,mode);
  private int bad_method8(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{
    if(i == 8) { this.thrower(i, mode); }
    return bad_method9(i,mode);
  private int bad_method7(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{
    if(i == 7) { this.thrower(i, mode); }
    return bad_method8(i,mode);
  private int bad_method6(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{
    if(i == 6) { this.thrower(i, mode); }
    return bad_method7(i,mode);
  private int bad_method5(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{
    if(i == 5) { this.thrower(i, mode); }
    return bad_method6(i,mode);
  private int bad_method4(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{
    if(i == 4) { this.thrower(i, mode); }
    return bad_method5(i,mode);
  protected int bad_method3(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{
    if(i == 3) { this.thrower(i, mode); }
    return bad_method4(i,mode);
  private int bad_method2(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{
    if(i == 2) { this.thrower(i, mode); }
    return bad_method3(i,mode);
  private int bad_method1(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{
    if(i == 1) { this.thrower(i, mode); }
    return bad_method2(i,mode);
  private int stack_of_calls(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{
    if(i == 0) { this.thrower(i, mode); }
    return bad_method1(i,mode);

class ExArg {
  public static long[] time_start;
  public static long[] time_accum;
  static {
     time_start = new long[20];
     time_accum = new long[20];



javap -c -v -constants JavaException.class


   protected int bad_method3(int, int) throws JavaException;
  stack=3, locals=3, args_size=3
     0: iload_1       
     1: iconst_3      
     2: if_icmpne     12
     5: aload_0       
     6: iload_1       
     7: iload_2       
     8: invokespecial #6                  // Method thrower:(II)I
    11: pop           
    12: aload_0       
    13: iload_1       
    14: iload_2       
    15: invokespecial #17                 // Method bad_method4:(II)I
    18: ireturn       
    line 63: 0
    line 64: 12
  StackMapTable: number_of_entries = 1
       frame_type = 12 /* same */

  throws JavaException


另一种问法是,如果我创建了一个Exception实例 一遍又一遍地抛接,这样会快很多吗 比每次抛出时创建一个新的异常好吗?



|Depth| WriteStack(ms)| !WriteStack(ms)| Diff(%)|
|   16|            193|             251| 77 (%)| 
|   15|            390|             406| 96 (%)| 
|   14|            394|             401| 98 (%)| 
|   13|            381|             385| 99 (%)| 
|   12|            387|             370| 105 (%)| 
|   11|            368|             376| 98 (%)| 
|   10|            188|             192| 98 (%)| 
|    9|            193|             195| 99 (%)| 
|    8|            200|             188| 106 (%)| 
|    7|            187|             184| 102 (%)| 
|    6|            196|             200| 98 (%)| 
|    5|            197|             193| 102 (%)| 
|    4|            198|             190| 104 (%)| 
|    3|            193|             183| 105 (%)| 
