我试图创建一个基本的OS X框架,现在我刚刚创建了一个测试框架:TestMacFramework.framework,我试图将它导入到一个全新的OS X应用程序项目。



dyld: Library not loaded: /Library/Frameworks/TestMacFramework.framework/Versions/A/TestMacFramework
  Referenced from: /Users/samharman/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TestMacContainer-dzabuelobzfknafuhmgooqhqrgzl/Build/Products/Debug/TestMacContainer.app/Contents/MacOS/TestMacContainer
  Reason: image not found


然而,我仍然得到运行时错误。显然我在这里做错了什么,但是苹果开发者库的资源引用了Xcode 2,所以不是很有帮助!



我可以在构建日志中看到我的TestMacFramework.framework被复制到.app contents/frameworks目录中,但它没有被安装到HD上的Library/ frameworks目录中




Xcode 11:

在Xcode 11中将框架添加到通用->框架,库和嵌入式内容




I found that this issue was related only to the code signing and certificates not the code itself. To verify this, create the basic single view app and try to run it without any changes to your device. If you see the same error type this shows your code is fine. Like me you will find that your certificates are invalid. Download all again and fix any expired ones. Then when you get the basic app to not report the error try your app again after exiting Xcode and perhaps restarting your mac for good measure. That finally put this nightmare to an end. Most likely this has nothing to do with your code especially if you get Build Successful message when you try to run it. FYI

对我来说,由于某种原因xCode(到目前为止12.5)决定我的通知服务扩展目标不应该有正确的框架路径。我怀疑这发生在我从xCode 12.1更新到12.5之后。


go to Project's General Tab Select your target (in my case it was Notification Service Extension Target) Make sure that Framework and Libraries section contains your missing framework. I've left it Embed Without Signing in my NSE Target, but it is also was added with Embed & Sign to my primary app target Keep your target selected and switch to Build Settings tab There in a search bar enter LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS (make sure that All possible settings will be displayed and not just Basic) You will see Runpath Search Paths and it was empty for me. Add 3 following values there: $(inherited) @executable_path/Frameworks @executable_path/../../Frameworks


None of these issues solved this for me. The problem in the end was pretty easy. It looks like its a pretty major Xcode bug which I have logged the problem and fix under Apple bug: 29820370. If you are struggling (as it seems like there are several pages of problems similar to this ) then it would be great if you can raise a bug on bug reporter: https://bugreport.apple.com/ and reference the bug I raised to gain visibility. I want to make Xcode back into the pleasure that it was before - and this is something I am sure Xcode should have fixed itself.

下面是解决方案: 1. 打开钥匙串-去苹果全球开发者证书。 2. 双击它 3.将权限级别从“始终信任”更改为使用“系统默认” 4. 保存并关闭 5. 重新启动Xcode,清理并构建项目,它应该消失了。

下面是正确设置的截图: 希望这能有所帮助!

我也有同样的问题,但原因不同。 我已经创建了一个新的配置调试和发布(在项目->信息选项卡->配置)。 我不得不改变我的pod框架shell脚本(Pods-"appName"-frameworks.sh,在目标支持文件下)使其工作。

[Xcode 9]