如何将项目移动到Visual Studio中的不同文件夹?在我的项目中,我习惯了这种结构。
-- app
---- Project.Something
---- Project.SomethingElse
如何将项目移动到Visual Studio中的不同文件夹?在我的项目中,我习惯了这种结构。
-- app
---- Project.Something
---- Project.SomethingElse
在visual studio community 2019中,我做了Victor David Francisco Enrique说的,但只需要删除.vs invisible文件夹
创建要将解决方案移动到的文件夹。 签入所有项目文件(如果您想保留更改),或回滚任何签出的文件。 关闭解决方案。 打开源代码控制资源管理器。 右键单击解决方案,并选择“高级-> Remove Mapping…” 将“Local Folder”的值更改为步骤#1中创建的值。 选择“改变”。 通过在源代码控制资源管理器中双击解决方案来打开解决方案。
This worked for me vb2019. I copied my source project folder. I then pasted the project, and renamed the the folder to whatever. In order to break the ties back to the source project folder, I temporarily renamed the source folder. I opened my destination project. The paths to the forms and modules were re-discovered in the local folder. I went through all my forms and modules to make sure they were working. I ran the project. I closed the project. I renamed the source project folder back to is't original name. I can open both projects at the same time without errors.
Remove your Project: In the SolutionExplorer of Visual Studio select your Project you want to change the directory, Press Delete -> Project gets removed. It still remains in your sln folder. Copy it to your Path: In the windows explorer copy your whole project to your mySource folder. -> Now you are ready to include it. Include back your Project: In the SolutionExplorer of Visual Studio add Existing Project and select your project from mySource folder. -> Project is now back in your Solution. Adjust your Project References: Check every Reference in your Project. On your Project -> Dependencies -> Project -> you see your project references. If there is a yellow Warning sign on a project reference than is it wrong. Delete your project reference and add it new. Rebuild your Project: and let it Run. Afterwards you can delete your project in the sln folder, which is not anymore in use.
从解决方案中删除项目。 使用文本编辑器编辑项目文件。 更新“包”的所有相对路径。就我而言,我不得不改变。\包裹到..\..\包,因为我把项目移动到一个更深的文件夹。 将项目加载回解决方案中。
在VS2012中关闭解决方案 将项目移动到新位置 打开你的溶液 选择加载失败的项目 在属性工具窗口中,有一个可编辑的“文件路径”条目,允许您选择新的项目位置 设置新路径 右键单击项目并单击重新加载