最近,我发现JSON Web Token (JWT)作为一种身份验证解决方案非常热门。我了解编码、解码和验证JWT的知识。然而,我不明白为什么有些网站/教程告诉我们,如果使用JWT,就不需要CSRF保护。我已经阅读了很多,并试图总结以下问题。我只是希望有人能提供一个关于JWT的更大的图景,并澄清我对JWT的误解。
If the JWT is stored in a cookie, I think it is the same as cookie-based authentication except that the server does not need to have sessions to verify the cookie/token. There is still a risk of CSRF if no special measure is implemented. Isn't JWT stored in a cookie? If the JWT is stored in localStorage/sessionStorage, then there is no cookie involved so don't need to protect against CSRF. The question is how to send the JWT to the server. I found here that it is suggested to use jQuery to send the JWT by HTTP header of ajax requests. So, only the ajax requests can do the authentication? Also, I found one more blog that points to use "Authorization header" and "Bearer" to send the JWT. I don't understand the method the blog talks about. Could someone please explain more about "Authorization header" and "Bearer"? Does this make the JWT transmitted by HTTP header of ALL requests? If yes, what about CSRF?