
最近,我发现JSON Web Token (JWT)作为一种身份验证解决方案非常热门。我了解编码、解码和验证JWT的知识。然而,我不明白为什么有些网站/教程告诉我们,如果使用JWT,就不需要CSRF保护。我已经阅读了很多,并试图总结以下问题。我只是希望有人能提供一个关于JWT的更大的图景,并澄清我对JWT的误解。

If the JWT is stored in a cookie, I think it is the same as cookie-based authentication except that the server does not need to have sessions to verify the cookie/token. There is still a risk of CSRF if no special measure is implemented. Isn't JWT stored in a cookie? If the JWT is stored in localStorage/sessionStorage, then there is no cookie involved so don't need to protect against CSRF. The question is how to send the JWT to the server. I found here that it is suggested to use jQuery to send the JWT by HTTP header of ajax requests. So, only the ajax requests can do the authentication? Also, I found one more blog that points to use "Authorization header" and "Bearer" to send the JWT. I don't understand the method the blog talks about. Could someone please explain more about "Authorization header" and "Bearer"? Does this make the JWT transmitted by HTTP header of ALL requests? If yes, what about CSRF?





在服务器上,生成一个随机字符串(csrf_token)并将其设置在cookie中。 在客户机上,获取cookie值并将其作为头值提交。 在服务器上,比较来自cookie和报头的值。它们应该匹配。







在服务器上,生成一个随机字符串(csrf_token)并将其设置在cookie中。 在客户机上,获取cookie值并将其作为头值提交。 在服务器上,比较来自cookie和报头的值。它们应该匹配。


jwt永远不应该存储在你的localStorage中 事实上,它们甚至不应该存储在您的cookie中,除非您能够实现非常严格的CSRF保护


JWT作为id_token就像您的用户凭证 JWT作为access_token就像您的会话令牌






Store JWT in a HttpOnly cookie and used it in secure mode to transfer over HTTPS. Most of CSRF attacks have a different origin or referrer header with your original host in their requests. So check if you have any of them in the header, are they coming from your domain or not! If not reject them. If both origin and referrer are not available in the request then no worries. You can rely on the result of X-XSRF-TOKEN header validation results which I explain in the next step. While the browser will automatically supply your cookies for the domain of the request, there is one useful limitation: the JavaScript code that is running on a website cannot read the cookies of other websites. We can leverage this to create our CSRF solution. To prevent CSRF attacks, we must create an extra Javascript readable cookie which is called: XSRF-TOKEN. This cookie must be created when the user is logged in and should contain a random, un-guessable string. We also save this number in the JWT itself as a private claim. Every time the JavaScript application wants to make a request, it will need to read this token and send it along in a custom HTTP header. Because these operations (reading the cookie, setting the header) can only be done on the same domain of the JavaScript application, we can know that this is being done by a real user who is using our JavaScript application.

Angular JS让你的生活变得简单

幸运的是,我在我们的平台上使用的是Angular JS, Angular封装了CSRF令牌方法,这让我们更容易实现它。对于Angular应用程序向服务器发出的每一个请求,Angular $http服务都会自动执行以下操作:

在当前域中查找名为XSRF-TOKEN的cookie。 如果找到该cookie,它将读取该值并将其作为X-XSRF-TOKEN报头添加到请求中。

因此,客户端实现将自动为您处理!我们只需要在服务器端的当前域上设置一个名为XSRF-TOKEN的cookie,当我们的API从客户端得到任何调用时,它必须检查X-XSRF-TOKEN报头,并将其与JWT中的XSRF-TOKEN进行比较。如果匹配,则用户是真实的。否则,这是一个伪造的请求,你可以忽略它。这种方法的灵感来自于“Double Submit Cookie”方法。



无论你将JWT存储在localStorage中,还是将XSRF-token存储在非HttpOnly cookie中,都可以被XSS轻松获取。甚至你在HttpOnly cookie中的JWT也可能被XST方法这样的高级XSS攻击捕获。

因此,除了Double Submit Cookies方法之外,还必须始终遵循针对XSS的最佳实践,包括转义内容。这意味着删除任何可能导致浏览器执行您不希望它执行的操作的可执行代码。通常这意味着删除// <![CDATA]标签和HTML属性,导致JavaScript被计算。


Angular的XSRF:如何工作 在哪里存储您的jwt - cookie vs HTML5 Web存储

JWT令牌很流行,因为在OAuth 2.0和OpenID Connect等新的授权和身份验证协议中,它们被用作默认的令牌格式。



承载方案通常用于保护通过AJAX调用或移动客户端使用的web api (REST服务)。