Ultimately using rails3, and changing the model frequently right now, so I am using RailRoady to generate an SVG of the schema diagram of the models. I would like for that SVG to then be placed in the ReadMe.md, and be displayed. When I open the SVG file locally, it does work, so how do I get the browser to render the SVG in the MD file? Given that the code will be dynamic until it is finalized (seemingly never), hosting the SVG in a separate place seems overkill and that I am missing an approach to accomplish this.
[1]: https://github.com/specialorange/FDXCM/blob/master/doc/controllers_brief.svg "Overview"
<img src="https://raw.github.com/specialorange/FDXCM/master/doc/controllers_brief.svg">

[Google Doc](https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1B95ajItJTAImL2WXISX0fkBLYk3nldea4Vm9eo-VyE4/edit) :
<img src="https://docs.google.com/drawings/pub?id=117XsJ1kDyaY-n8AdPS3_8jTgMyITqaoT3-ah_BSc9YQ&w=960&h=720">
<img src="https://raw.github.com/specialorange/FDXCM/master/doc/controllers_brief.svg">
<img src="https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1B95ajItJTAImL2WXISX0fkBLYk3nldea4Vm9eo-VyE4/edit">
1: https://github.com/specialorange/FDXCM/blob/master/Rails/fdxcm/doc/controllers_brief.svg“概述”