



defaults write com.apple.Terminal FocusFollowsMouse -bool true


defaults write com.apple.x11 wm_ffm -bool true

在Snow Leopard中,使用这个:

defaults write org.x.X11 wm_ffm -bool true

显然,有一个名为CodeTek虚拟桌面的程序可以在系统范围内模拟它,但它需要花费$$(他们从未为OSX Leopard推出过版本)。





Steve Yegge不久前写了一篇关于这个问题的文章,他试图写一个合适的扩展,但失败了。从那以后,我试图为OS X找到聚焦跟随鼠标的应用程序,也失败了。



    "LAYOUTS": "----------------------",
    "layouts": [

    "MODIFIERS": "----------------------",
    "Valid modifiers are": [

    "mod1": [
    "mod2": [

    "COMMANDS": "----------------------",
    "Commands are": {
        "cycle-layout": "Cycle layout to the next layout",
        "cycle-layout-backward": "Cycle layout to the previous layout",
        "focus-screen-1": "Focus the main window on the first screen",
        "focus-screen-2": "Focus the main window on the second screen",
        "focus-screen-3": "Focus the main window on the third screen",
        "focus-screen-2": "Focus the main window on the second screen",
        "focus-screen-3": "Focus the main window on the third screen",
        "focus-screen-4": "Focus the main window on the fourth screen",
        "throw-screen-1": "Throw the focused window to the first screen",
        "throw-screen-2": "Throw the focused window to the second screen",
        "throw-screen-3": "Throw the focused window to the third screen",
        "throw-screen-4": "Throw the focused window to the fourth screen",
        "shrink-main": "Shrink the main pane of the current layout",
        "expand-main": "Expand the main pane of the current layout",
        "increase-main": "Increase the number of windows in the main pane",
        "decrease-main": "Decrease the number of windows in the main pane",
        "focus-ccw": "Move window focus counter-clockwise on the current screen",
        "focus-cw": "Move window focus clockwise on the current screen",
        "swap-ccw": "Swap focused window with the next window going counter-clockwi$
        "swap-cw": "Swap focused window with the next window going clockwise",
        "swap-main": "Swap focused window with the main window of its screen",
        "throw-space-1": "Throw the focused window to the first space",
        "throw-space-2": "Throw the focused window to the second space",
        "throw-space-3": "Throw the focused window to the third space",
        "throw-space-4": "Throw the focused window to the fourth space",
        "throw-space-5": "Throw the focused window to the fifth space",
        "throw-space-6": "Throw the focused window to the sixth space",
        "throw-space-7": "Throw the focused window to the seventh space",
        "throw-space-8": "Throw the focused window to the eighth space",
        "throw-space-9": "Throw the focused window to the ninth space",
        "throw-space-8": "Throw the focused window to the eighth space",
        "throw-space-9": "Throw the focused window to the ninth space",
        "toggle-float": "Toggle the focused window between being floating and tiled"

    "screens": "3",

    "cycle-layout": {
        "mod": "mod1",
    "cycle-layout-backward": {
        "mod": "mod2",
    "select-tall-layout": {
        "mod": "mod1"
    "select-wide-layout": {
        "mod": "mod1"
    "select-fullscreen-layout": {
        "mod": "mod1"
    "select-column-layout": {
        "mod": "mod1"
        "mod": "mod1"
    "focus-screen-1": {
        "mod": "mod1"
    "focus-screen-2": {
        "mod": "mod1"
    "focus-screen-3": {
        "mod": "mod1"
    "focus-screen-4": {
        "mod": "mod1"
    "throw-screen-1": {
        "mod": "mod2"
    "throw-screen-2": {
        "mod": "mod2"
    "throw-screen-3": {
        "mod": "mod2"
    "throw-screen-4": {
        "mod": "mod2"
    "throw-screen-4": {
        "mod": "mod2"
    "shrink-main": {
        "mod": "mod1"
    "expand-main": {
        "mod": "mod1"
    "increase-main": {
        "mod": "mod1"
    "decrease-main": {
        "mod": "mod1"
    "focus-ccw": {
        "mod": "mod1"
    "focus-cw": {
        "mod": "mod1"
    "swap-screen-ccw": {
        "mod": "mod2"
    "swap-screen-cw": {
    "swap-screen-cw": {
        "mod": "mod2"
    "swap-ccw": {
        "mod": "mod2"
    "swap-cw": {
        "mod": "mod2"
    "swap-main": {
        "mod": "mod1"
    "throw-space-1": {
        "mod": "mod2"
    "throw-space-2": {
        "mod": "mod2"
    "throw-space-3": {
        "mod": "mod2"
    "throw-space-4": {
        "mod": "mod2"

        "mod": "mod2"
    "throw-space-5": {
        "mod": "mod2"
    "throw-space-6": {
        "mod": "mod2"
    "throw-space-7": {
        "mod": "mod2"
    "throw-space-8": {
        "mod": "mod2"
    "throw-space-9": {
        "mod": "mod2"
    "toggle-float": {
        "mod": "mod1"
    "toggle-tiling": {
        "mod": "mod2"
    "display-current-layout": {
        "mod": "mod1"
    "display-current-layout": {
        "mod": "mod1"

    "MISC": "----------------------",
    "floating": [],
    "float-small-windows": false,
    "mouse-follows-focus": false,
    "focus-follows-mouse": true,
    "enables-layout-hud": false,
    "enables-layout-hud-on-space-change": false



解决方案:因为我太习惯在Windows上自动升起,所以我非常怀念Mac上的自动升起。 我为Mac找到的解决方案是zoom(是的,三个o)。它有自动提升功能。您甚至可以设置自动触发前等待的毫秒数。没有它我活不下去。Autoraise是prefs中的一个选项,你可以在截图https://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/23203/zooom中看到 http://coderage-software.com/zooom/index.html