执行npm install jest-cli——save-dev命令
更新包。Json: '{…"scripts": {"test": "jest"}…}
如何测试单个文件,例如test app/foo/__tests__/bar.spec.js?
我已经尝试运行npm test app/foo/__tests__/bar.spec.js(从项目根),但我得到以下错误:
npm test <ng-project> -- --testFile "file-name-part"
npm test will run the test script specified in package.json:
"test": "ng test"
--: tells npm to pass the following parameters to the test script (instead of consuming them)
Thus the rest of the cmd will be passed to ng test
<ng-project> is the name of a project in angular.json
when you omit this parameter, the "defaultProject" (specified in angular.json) will be used (so you must specify it, when the test is not in your default project)
Next we must check which builder is used:
In angular.json navigate to "project" - "<ng-project>" - "architect" - "test"
and check the "builder", which in our case is: "@nrwl/jest:jest"
Now that we know the builder, we need to find the available cmd-line parameters
On the command line, run npm test <ng-project> -- --help to see all available options
Or check the online documentation
One of the options is --testFile which is used here