Xcode 8显示配置配置文件不包含签名证书的错误。
此问题仅适用于Xcode-8和Xcode 7,相同的配置文件显示相关已识别的证书。
Xcode 8显示配置配置文件不包含签名证书的错误。
此问题仅适用于Xcode-8和Xcode 7,相同的配置文件显示相关已识别的证书。
以下是为我解决的步骤(对于那些在XCode 9.2中面临相同问题的人):
刚刚手动删除了~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning profiles中的本地配置文件。 删除并创建了开发人员帐户中的所有证书和配置配置文件。 从Xcode中删除了开发者帐户,并重新添加了它。
解决了我的问题!: -)
同样的错误。 配置文件似乎更新了,添加了新的证书,我甚至在下载时检查了它。还撤销了前开发商的证书,排除在提供配置文件。 但是Xcode仍然在问我之前的证书有错误:
No certificate for team 'MY_TEAM' matching 'iPhone Developer: FORMER_DEVELOPER' found
去构建设置->签名->代码签名标识 找到所有“FORMER_DEVELOPER”证书并选择所需的证书。
Delete the developer certificate that does not have a private key. Delete the provisioning profile from your machine using go to folder (~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles) Then first check then uncheck the Automatically manage signing option in the project settings with selecting team. Sing in Apple developer account and edit the provisioning profile selecting all available developer certificates then download and add to XCODE. Select the provisioning profile and code signing identity in project build settings
值得注意的是,自动签名每次都失败了,直到我手动删除了本地配置文件: ~ /图书馆/ MobileDevice /配置概要文件
I haven't seen this mentioned yet but if you are still having issues after recreating your provisioning profiles, deleting the existing ones you have in your Provision Profiles folder, checking for dupes in your Keychain, etc (all other answers ITT), open your Target > Build Settings > Code Signing and make sure everything looks consistent in there. For example, I had changed the Code Signing Identify for Debug to a Distribution identity, which obviously wouldn't work as the Development Provisioning Profile doesn't have the Distribution certificate and was causing the error in the first place.