Xcode 8显示配置配置文件不包含签名证书的错误。

此问题仅适用于Xcode-8和Xcode 7,相同的配置文件显示相关已识别的证书。


I haven't seen this mentioned yet but if you are still having issues after recreating your provisioning profiles, deleting the existing ones you have in your Provision Profiles folder, checking for dupes in your Keychain, etc (all other answers ITT), open your Target > Build Settings > Code Signing and make sure everything looks consistent in there. For example, I had changed the Code Signing Identify for Debug to a Distribution identity, which obviously wouldn't work as the Development Provisioning Profile doesn't have the Distribution certificate and was causing the error in the first place.



Always_embed_swift_standard_libraries = yes;



有一个生成设置定义了哪个证书应该用于哪个生成配置。要更改它,请转到构建设置并搜索代码签名标识。当展开时,每个构建配置(通常是调试和发布)都应该有单独的行,第二列是其选择的标识(通常是iOS Developer或iOS Distribution)。确保为每个构建配置设置了正确的标识。


如果您尝试将应用程序上传到iTunes Connect(您的供应配置文件设置为分发),请转到项目设置->构建设置->代码签名。请确保将所有调试和发布选项设置为您的分发配置文件。


delete all iPhone Developer certificate in keychain. delete all certificate in apple account. using xcode "Manage Certificates" to add certificate, sometime you still have certificate in your Mac, but I do not know where it is for now, and if added successfully, your apple account will display that certificate too, and then you can create your profile with that certificate and download ... goto 5 if you use "Manage Certificates" can't add certificate, you can create a new certificate, and do remain steps. finish.



你应该已经在开发者中心创建了一个证书,然后将该证书包含在配置文件中,然后导入到XCode中。 否则,如果您使用的证书是由其他人创建的,那么让他们共享/导出他们的证书和私钥(。P12文件)给你,你需要包括这个到你的钥匙链。请参考这里

当您无法从创建者那里获得证书& .p12文件时,#2的解决方案是选中“自动管理签名”选项。