For instance, a project I'm working on with a few people has a package called beans. It started out being a project containing simple beans, but it has ended up (through poor experience and lack of time) containing everything (almost). I've cleaned them up a little, by putting some factory classes in a factory package (classes with static methods that create beans), but we have other classes that do business logic and others that do simple processing (not with business logic) like retrieving a message for a code from a properties file.
On the other hand I've had a coworker create a new package for almost everything he did. Each different MVC he wanted got its own package, and it seemed a MVC set was the only grouping of classes allowed to be in the same package. I recall at one point he had 5 different packages that each had a single class in them. I think his method is a little bit on the extreme (and the team forced him to reduce his package count when we simply couldn't handle it), but for a nontrivial application, so would putting everything in the same package. It's a balance point you and your teammates have to find for yourself.
One thing you can do is try to step back and think: if you were a new member introduced to the project, or your project was released as open source or an API, how easy/difficult would it be to find what you want? Because for me, that's what I really want out of packages: organization. Similar to how I store files in folder on my computer, I expect to be able to find them again without having to search my entire drive. I expect to be able to find the class I want without having to search the list of all classes in the package.
Try minimize package dependencies, especially between features.
Extract APIs if necessary.
Team organization
In some organizations teams work on features and in others on layers.
This influence how code is organized, use it to formalize APIs or
encourage cooperation.
Deployment and versioning
Putting everything into a module make deployment and versioning
simpler, but bug fixing harder. Splitting things enable better
control, scalability and availability.
Respond to change
Well organized code is much simpler to change than a big ball of mud.
Size (people and lines of code)
The bigger the more formalized/standardized it needs to be.
Some code is more important than other. APIs should be more stable then the implementation. Therefore it needs to be clearly separated.
Level of abstraction and entry point
It should be possible for an outsider to know what the code is about, and where to start reading from looking at the package tree.
+ feature1/
- MainClass // The entry point for exploring
+ api/ // Public interface, used by other features
+ domain/
- AggregateRoot
+ api/ // Internal API, complements the public, used by web
+ impl/
+ persistence/
+ web/ // Presentation layer
+ services/ // Rest or other remote API
+ support/
+ feature2/
+ support/ // Any support or utils used by more than on feature
+ io
+ config
+ persistence
+ web
我不喜欢“impl”或“support”的名字,但它们有助于区分不重要的东西(域和API)。说到命名,我喜欢尽可能具体。如果你有一个名为“utils”的包,包含20个类,将StringUtils移动到支持/string, HttpUtil移动到支持/http等等。
Follow Java package naming conventions
Structure your packages according to their functional role as well as their business role
Break down your packages according to their functionality or modules. e.g. com.company.product.modulea
Further break down could be based on layers in your software. But don't go overboard if you have only few classes in the package, then it makes sense to have everything in the package. e.g. com.company.product.module.web or com.company.product.module.util etc.
Avoid going overboard with structuring, IMO avoid separate packaging for exceptions, factories, etc. unless there's a pressing need.
If your project is small, keep it simple with few packages. e.g. com.company.product.model and com.company.product.util, etc.
Take a look at some of the popular open source projects out there on Apache projects. See how they use structuring, for various sized projects.
Also consider build and distribution when naming (allowing you to distribute your API or SDK in a different package, see the servlet API)